Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status - Revised (PEDS-R)


  • PEDS-R® online, self-paced tutorial

    The PEDS-R® online, self-paced tutorial is the essential training program for both practitioners who have previously completed PEDS® training and practitioners who are new to PEDS-R®.        

    The tutorial provides comprehensive information on PEDS-R®, covering its background, usage and how to score and interpret parent or carer responses. Through the tutorial, practitioners will learn:

    • the background of PEDS-R®
    • the components of PEDS-R®, including a detailed walk-through of the PEDS-R® booklet
    • how to administer PEDS-R®
    • how to score and interpret parent responses
    • next steps to take with parents.

    Training is essential to ensure PEDS-R® is administered accurately. At the completion of the tutorial, there is a certification test to ensure knowledge has been accurately obtained and the participant has mastered the subject matter. 

    About the tutorial

    Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours (including a 20-25 minute certification process). This tutorial is self-paced. You can log out of the tutorial at any stage and come back to complete it at a suitable time. Participants have access to the tutorial for 12 months following registration.

    Cost: $165 (inc GST) per participant. However, for anyone who has been certified in PEDS® by the Centre for Community Child Health at The Royal Children's Hospital in the 12 months prior to undertaking the PEDS-R® tutorial, the tutorial and certification will be available at no charge.

    Location: Online via MCRI LearnUpon portal. 

    How to register: To register for the tutorial, "PEDS-R® - Using PEDS® in practice, click HERE.

    Introduction to developmental screening

    Before you start your PEDS-R® eLearning, you might want to take a look at another, separate course we offer. The “PEDS-R® - Introduction to developmental screening” course is available free, as background and general introduction to developmental screening and developmental screening tools. You can register to complete “PEDS-R® - Introduction to developmental screening” by clicking HERE
