Yalingbu Yirramboi – The Royal Children’s Hospital School

  • Yalingbu Yirramboi – The Royal Children’s Hospital School keeps students connected to their regular school or kindergarten by bridging the gap between hospital, home and their education setting.

    Yalingbu Yirramboi teachers meet new patients to discuss their learning needs and determine the appropriate level of educational support. Services are provided based on need and educational risk. Eligible students will be offered individual or group learning sessions, or a combination of both.

    Each student receives an Individual Education Plan (IEP) prepared in collaboration with the student, families/carers and the enrolled educational setting. The IEP is reviewed regularly and updated according to the student's educational progress.

    Early years

    Our hospital kindergarten program is led by qualified early childhood educators who, through engaging play-based learning, help prepare your child for school. For students to be eligible for the program, they are required to be at least three or four years old before the 30 April in the year of enrolment.


    Yalingbu Yirramboi offers an evidence-based program focusing on literacy and numeracy. It is built on high-impact teaching strategies and underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum.

    Secondary and VCE

    Specialist teachers can assist secondary and VCE students to remain connected to their studies during a hospital stay, with a focus on educational tasks assigned by their school.

    RCH Education Institute Strategic Plan

    Yalingbu Yirramboi designs and delivers targeted and individualised learning to improve valued learner outcomes (academic, developmental, physical, social, and emotional wellbeing) for students. We set our learners up for success by ensuring they experience continuous engagement in learning through seamless transitions connecting the hospital, the home, and their education setting. We champion our students and their caregivers so they ultimately become their own champions.

    Yalingbu Yirramboi is a registered school under the Department of Education.