Winther J, Vance A. Young people with ADHD: Key biological predictors of persisting oppositional defiant disorder/ conduct disorder (ODD/CD) (2012) Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research (Freemantle, Australia)
Yamada J, Byrne L, Vance A. Unique visuo-spatial neuropsychological profiles in ADHD subtype presentations. (2012) Proceedings of the 1st Asian Congress on ADHD (Seoul, Korea)
Loftus V, O'Donnell J, Yamada J, Vance A. Investigation of family and peer relationships in children with social phobia. (2012) Proceedings of the IACAPAP 20th World Congress (Paris, France)
Winther J, Vance A. Children with ADHD: Key clinical and psychosocial predictors of persisting oppositional defiant disorder/ conduct disorder (ODD/CD) (2012) Proceedings of the 23rd Eunethydis meeting (Barcelona, Spain)
Ferrin M, Winther J, Vance A. Developmental trajectories of NSS in children and adolescents with ADHD; comparison with a typically developing group and its relationship with WM components (2012) Proceedings of the 23rd Eunethydis meeting (Barcelona, Spain)
Ferrin M, Winther J, Thomas M, Vance A. Developmental trajectories of Spatial Working Memory in children and adolescents with ADHD (2012) Proceedings of the 23rd Eunethydis meeting (Barcelona, Spain)
Chen J, Silk T, Wood A, Seal M, Vance A. White matter abnormalities in paediatric OCD brain (2011) Proceedings of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Quebec City, Canada)
Winther J, Carlsson A, Vance A. A RCT parent, child and teacher group intervention for children with early onset conduct disorder symptoms. (2011) Proceedings of the 22nd Eunethydis meeting and Festschrift for Professor Joe Sergeant (Budapest, Hungary)
Vance A, Ferrin M, Winther J. Examination of spactial working memory in children with ADHD - CT and anxiety. (2011) Proceedings of the 22nd Eunethydis meeting and Festschrift for Professor Joe Sergeant (Budapest, Hungary)
Pace C, Williams J, Anderson P, Vance A. The relationship between self-worth and perceived social support in children with DCD and ADHD (2011) Proceedings of the DCD-9 Conference (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Williams J, Omizzolo C, Vance A. Are motor imagery deficits evident in children with both DCD and ADHD? (2011) Proceedings of the DCD-9 Conference (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Silk T, Chen J, Seal M, Vance A. White matter anomalies in paediatric obsessive compulsive disorder. (2011) Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced White Matter Imaging (Reykjavik, Iceland)
Winther J, Hall N, Aggarwal S, Prakash C, Rennie K, Vance A. ADHD in children and adolescents: contribution of anxiety, sadness/unhappiness and irritability to working memory problems. (2010) Proceedings of the 21st Eunethydis meeting and Festschrift for Professor Joe Sergeant (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Wagner J, Matthews N, Connolly A, Vance A, Bellgrove MA. Genetic association between dopamine b-hydroxylse gene variants and spatial working memory in ADHD. (2010) Proceedings of the 20th Annual Rotman Research Institute conference : The Frontal Lobes (Toronto, Canada)
M Casey, A Vance, P Birleson. The Developmental Neuropsychiatry Program (DNP): a model of evidenced based assessment and treatment practices for ADHD, anxiety and depressive disorders in children and adolescents. (2008) Proceedings of the Second Australasian Mental Health Outcomes Conference (Melbourne, Australia).
M Casey, M Farrow, R Cunnington, A Vance. Visuospatial Working Memory in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type (ADHD-CT): A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Study. (2008)Proceedings of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Melbourne, Australia).
M Casey, M Farrow, R Cunnington, A Vance. Visuospatial Memory (VSM) in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type (ADHD-CT): A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Study. (2008)Proceedings of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Melbourne, Australia).
K Searle, M Casey, R Cunnington, A Vance. Visuospatial Working Memory in Children with Dysthymic Disorder: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Study. (2008)Proceedings of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Melbourne, Australia).
J Yamada, M Casey, R Cunnington, A Vance. Visuospatial Working Memory in Adolescents with Dysthymic Disorder: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Study. (2008)Proceedings of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Melbourne, Australia).
E Gu, H Shoemaker, M Casey, T Silk, M Farrell, A Vance. Visuospatial Memory (VSM) in Children and Adolescents with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Study. (2008)Proceedings of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Melbourne, Australia).
Y d'Udekem, M Cheung, S Setyapranata, AJ Iyengar, N Buckland, RG Weintraub, A Vance, CP Brizard, DJ Penny. Exercise capacity and quality of life late after Fontan surgery. (2007) Proceedings of the American Heart Association (OrlandoFlorida, USA).
M McCarthy, R Tang, N Clarke, A Vance, V Anderson. Identifying Psychosocial Risk In Families Of Newly-Diagnosed Paediatric Oncology Patients. (2007) Proceedings of the Australian/New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group Annual Meeting (Sydney, Australia).
M McCarthy, N Clarke, D Ashley, A Vance, V Anderson. Acute Stress in Parents of Children Newly Diagnosed with Cancer. (2007) Proceedings of the Australian/New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group Annual Meeting (Sydney, Australia).
A Vance, T Silk, R Cunnington. Right parietal lobe dysfunction - a developmental stage independent anomaly in males with ADHD. (2007) Proceedings of the First International Congress on ADHD (Wurzburg, Germany).
A Vance, T Silk, R Cunnington. Right parietal lobe dysfunction spans puberty: fMRI evidence in males with ADHD. (2007) Proceedings of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Florence, Italy).
N Hall, A Vance,S Hetrick. Are dysthymic disorder and major depressive disorder neurobiologically distinct disorders in young people: evidence from visuospatial working memory/memory studies. (2007) Proceedings of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Florence, Italy)
A Vance, T Silk, R Cunnington. Pre-pubertal boys with ADHD: evidence for right parietal lobe dysfunction. (2007) Proceedings of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (London, UK).
N Hall, A Vance,S Hetrick. Spatial memory and working memory deficits in young people with dysthymic disorder and major depressive disorder. (2007) Proceedings of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (London, UK).
Vance A, Silk T, Cunnington, R. Children and adolescents with ADHD: an fMRI study of spatial working memory deficits. [Abstract]. Neuropsychiatric Disease and its Treatment, 2006, 2 (suppl 3): SY-90.
Hall N, Vance A, Hetrick S. Spatial memory and spatial working memory deficits in children with dysthymic disorder and major depressive disorder. [Abstract]. Neuropsychiatric Disease and its Treatment, 2 (suppl 3): SY-15.
Silk TJ, Vance A, Nguyen C, Rinehart N, Bradshaw JL, and Cunnington R. An fMRI investigation into fronto-parietal brain function in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [Abstract]. Neuroimage, 2006, 31(suppl 1): 448 W-PM.
N Clarke, M McCarthy, D Golshevsky, A Vance, J Heath, P Downie. Identifying psychosocial risk in the families of newly diagnosed paediatric oncology patients. (2006) Proceedings of the Australian/New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group Annual Meeting (Queenstown, New Zealand). (abstract)
C Nguyen, M Farrow, M Bellgrove, A Vance, R Cunnington. Fronto-parietal activation: an fMRI study of spatial working memory. (2006) Proceedings of the 8th International Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Experience (Melbourne, Australia). (abstract)
A Vance, T Silk, R Cunnington. Adolescents with ADHD: an fMRI study of spatial working memory deficits. (2006) Proceedings of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (Sydney, Australia). (abstract)
N Hall, A Vance, S Hetrick. Parsing spatial memory and spatial working memory in dysthymic and major depressive disorders in children. (2006) Proceedings of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (Sydney, Australia). (abstract)
A Vance, T Silk, R Cunnington. Children and adolescents with ADHD: an fMRI study of spatial working memory deficits. (2006) Proceedings of the International Neuropsychiatric Association (Sydney, Australia). (abstract)
N Hall, A Vance, S Hetrick. Spatial memory and spatial working memory deficits in children with dysthymic disorder and major depressive disorder. (2006) Proceedings of the International Neuropsychiatric Association (Sydney, Australia). (abstract)
A Vance, T Silk, R Cunnington. Spatial working memory deficits in pre-pubertal boys with ADHD: an fMRI study. (2006) Proceedings of the International Conference of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Mumbai, India). (abstract)
WT Utendale, A Vance (Convenors). Symposium: The psychophysiology of ADHD: from genes to adjustment. (2006) Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (Melbourne, Australia). (abstract)
A Vance. Deficient spatial working memory in children with ADHD: an fMRI investigation of fronto-parietal neural networks. (2006) Proceedings of the International society for the Study of Behavioural Development (Melbourne, Australia). (abstract)
Silk TJ, Vance A, Nguyen C, Rinehart N, Bradshaw JL, Cunnington R. An fMRI investigation into fronto-parietal brain function in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (2006) Proceedings of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Florence, Italy). (abstract)
Maruff P, Mollica C, Collie A, Vance A. Classifying treatment response using cognitive tests in ADHD. (2005) Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Biological Psychiatry (Vienna, Austria). (abstract)
A Vance. The Future of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2005) Critical Care and Neurosciences Symposium, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (Melbourne) (oral presentation)
P Hewson, M Delatycki, I Scheffer, A Vance, V Anderson, N Brown, M Rowell, P Lockhart, F Icasiano, T Treloar. Genetics of Autism: a family study (2005) Barwon Health Symposium (Melbourne) (oral presentation)
P Hewson, M Delatycki, I Scheffer, A Vance, V Anderson, N Brown, M Rowell, P Lockhart, F Icasiano, T Treloar. The Barwon Autism DNA Bank (2005) Barwon Health Symposium (Melbourne) (oral presentation)
P Hewson, M Delatycki, I Scheffer, A Vance, V Anderson, N Brown, M Rowell, P Lockhart. Collaborative Autism Study (CATS) (2005) Barwon Health Symposium (Melbourne) (oral presentation)
A Vance. Refining phenotypes in child psychiatry: where to from here? (2005) Inaugural Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Child Psychiatry Research Symposium (Melbourne) (oral presentation)
A Vance. ADHD medication and psychosocial treatment: getting the balance right (2005) Inaugural Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Child Psychiatry Clinical Symposium (Melbourne) (oral presentation)
A Vance Convenor, (2005) Inaugural Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Child Psychiatry Research Symposium (Melbourne) (one day of presentations)
A Vance Convenor, (2005) Inaugural Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Child Psychiatry Clinical Symposium (Melbourne) (one day of presentations)
S Hetrick , A Vance, N Hall, K Ng. But What Else Do I Need To Know? (2005) Factors associated with the onset of suicide related behaviours in young people with a depressive disorder. 4th Annual Australian and New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference (Melbourne) (oral presentation)
A Vance, R Cunnington. ADHD, combined type in childhood: an fMRI investigation of fronto-parietal function. (2005) Institute for Pediatric Neuroscience, New YorkUniversityChildStudyCenter(New York, USA) (invited presentation)
A Vance, R Cunnington, T Silk, C Davey. ADHD, combined type in adolescence: an fMRI investigation of fronto-parietal function. (2005) International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (New York, USA) (abstract poster presentation accepted)
A Vance, N Hall, S Hetrick, M Karamitsios, P Maruff. Dysthymic disorder pre- and post-puberty: an investigation of spatial working memory deficits. (2005) International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (New York, USA) (abstract poster presentation accepted)
Vance A. Invited Symposium and Debate: Resolved - Psychosocial treatments are unnecessary in ADHD. (2005) Proceedings of the RANZCP bi-national Congress and the RANZCP Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual meeting(Sydney, Australia). (abstract)
Silk, T.J., Vance, A. Rinehart, N., Bradshaw, Egan, G.F., O'Boyle, M.W., Cunnington, R. (2004). An fMRI Investigation of Mental Rotation in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. NeuroImage, vol. 22 (supp1), TH237.
Hall N, Vance A. Clinical and neuropsychiatric findings in 10-16 year old young people with depressive disorders. (2004) Proceedings of the Victorian Child Psychiatry Training Department Research Symposium (Melbourne, Australia). (abstract)
Hetrick S, Vance A. suicidal ideation and attempts: do depressive disorders differ in 10-16 year old young people? Proceedings of the Victorian Child Psychiatry Training Department Research Symposium (Melbourne, Australia). (abstract)
Harrison B, Vance A. Neurodevelopmental deficits in children with ADHD combined type and anxiety disorders. (2004) Proceedings of the RANZCP Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual (Darwin, Australia). (abstract)
Thorpe C, Vance A. Parental psychopathology and family functioning in anxiety and depressive disorders and ADHD combined type. (2004) Proceedings of the RANZCP Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual (Darwin, Australia). (abstract)
Vance A, Prakash C. Oppositional defiant patterns of behaviour in primary school age children with ADHD, combined type: what drives them? (2004) Proceedings of the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (IACAPAP) (Berlin, Germany). (abstract)
Vance A, Prakash C. Neurodevelopmental deficits in primary school age children with ADHD combined type with and without anxiety disorders: anything to add? (2004) Proceedings of the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (IACAPAP) (Berlin, Germany). (abstract)
Silk TJ, Vance A, Rinehart N, Bradshaw JL, Egan GF, O'Boyle MW, Cunnington R. An fMRI investigation of mental rotation in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (2004) Proceedings of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Budapest, Hungary). (abstract)
Vance A. Symposium: Disruptive Behaviour Disorders. (2003) Proceedings of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference (Melbourne). (abstract)
Vance A, Sanders M, Arduca Y, Karamitsios M. Disruptive behaviour, dysthymic and anxiety disorders: patterns of symptoms, neurodevelopmental deficits and working memory. (2003) Proceedings of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference (Melbourne). (abstract)
Maruff P, Vance A. Measuring cognition in ADHD, combined type: results from the Melbourne study. (2003) Proceedings of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference (Melbourne). (abstract)
S Hetrick, A Vance, N Hall. Suicidal ideation and behaviour in 10-16 year old young people with dysthymic disorder, major depressive disorder and healthy controls. (2003) Proceedings of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference (Melbourne). (abstract)
B Harrison, A Vance, M Karamitsios, J Talbot, M Boots. Primary school-age children with ADHD-CT and dysthymic disorder: differential neurodevelopmental deficits. (2003) Proceedings of the Royal Australian and New ZealandCollege of Psychiatrists Congress (Hobart). (abstract)
A Vance, M Sanders, Y Arduca, M Karamitsios, M Boots, J Talbot, P Maruff. Anxiety phenomena, patterns of co-occurrence and working memory in primary school-age children with ADHD (combined type) and/or Dysthymic Disorder. (2003) Proceedings of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Sydney, Australia) (abstract oral presentation accepted)
A Vance, M Sanders, Y Arduca, M Karamitsios, M Boots, J Talbot, P Maruff. Primary school age children with ADHD, combined type with and without dysthymic disorder: anxiety phenomenology and patterns of co-occurrence. (2003) International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Sydney, Australia) (abstract poster presentation accepted)
A Vance. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, combined type and anxiety: an approach to its phenomenological, clinical and neuropsychological associations. (2002) Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry (De Crespigny Park, London) (abstract)
A Vance, J Costin, P Maruff. ADHD, combined type: differences in blood pressure due to posture and the child report of anxiety. (2002) Third International Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Brisbane) (abstract)
A Vance, J Costin, R Barnett, E Luk, P Maruff, B Tonge. (2002) Characteristics of parent and child reported anxiety in psychostimulant medication naïve clinically referred children with ADHD, combined type. Third International Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Brisbane) (abstract)
C Wood, E Luk, A Vance, M Turner. (2002) ADHD in clinic-referred adolescents: core symptoms and comorbidity. Third International Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Brisbane) (abstract)
D Efron, H Hiscock, J Sewell, N Cranswick, A Vance, E Luk. (2002) Which Psychotropic Medications are being Prescribed for Australian Children?: A Survey of Practice in an Evidence Vacuum. Proceedings of the RoyalAustralasianCollege of Physicians (Brisbane) (abstract)
C Wood, E Luk, M Turner, A Vance. (2001) Predictors of conduct problems in clinic-referred adolescents with ADHD. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research(Melbourne) (abstract)
R Barnett, A Vance, P Maruff, J Costin, C Pantelis. (2001) Abnormal executive function in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: the effect of psychostimulant medication and age on spatial working memory. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research(Melbourne) (abstract)
M Turner, Ernest Luk, Catherine Wood, Alasdair Vance. (2001) The relationship of age and IQ to executive function in male adolescents from a clinical and a community sample. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research(Melbourne) (abstract)
Vance A, Costin J, Maruff P. (2001). Primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type (ADHD-CT) and anxiety: increased postural diastolic blood pressure. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research(Melbourne) (abstract)
Vance A, Costin J, Brisbane B, Shears A, Goldsmith D, Scholes A. (2001). An innovative school based parent management training programme for primary school children identified by teachers with educational underachievement due to oppositional defiant behaviour. Proceedings of the School Focused Youth Service Expo (Melbourne) (abstract)
Vance A, Costin J, Brisbane B, Shears A, Goldsmith D, Scholes A. (2001). An innovative school based parent management training programme for primary school children identified by teachers with educational underachievement due to oppositional defiant behaviour. Proceedings of the third Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service conference (Melbourne) (abstract)
Vance A, Costin J, Maruff P. (2001). Primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type (ADHD-CT) and anxiety: increased postural diastolic blood pressure. Proceedings of the Alfred Week Research Poster(Melbourne). (abstract)
Vance A, Costin J, Callanan N, Luntz J, Brisbane B. (2001). The Parenting for Success Programme: an innovative school based intervention for teacher identified children with oppositional behaviour. Proceedings of the Annual Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service conference (Melbourne) (workshop)
Efron D, Tyl Y, Cranswick N, Hiscock H, Sewell J, Vance A, Luk E. (2001). The Prescription of Psychotropic Medications by Australian Paediatricians and Child Psychiatrists. Proceedings of theChildren's Hospital Education and Research Institute (CHERI) ADHD conference (Sydney) (abstract)
Cairney S, Maruff P, Vance A, Barnett R, Luk E, Currie J. (2001) Abnormalities using task context to voluntarily inhibit saccades in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Proceedings of the Children's Hospital Education and Research Institute (CHERI) ADHD conference (Sydney) (abstract)
Vance A. Demoralisation in Adolescents: A pilot project. (2001). Proceedings of the Royal Australian and New ZealandCollege of Psychiatrists (Canberra). (abstract)
Wood CE, Luk ESL, Vance ALA, Turner MA. (2001). ADHD in clinic-referred adolescents: symptom patterns and comorbidity. Proceedings of the AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Honolulu) (abstract)
Efron D, Tyl Y, Cranswick N, Hiscock H, Sewell J, Vance A, Luk E. (2001). The Prescription of Psychotropic Medications by Australian Paediatricians and Child Psychiatrists. Proceedings of the AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Honolulu) (abstract)
Efron D, Tyl Y, Cranswick N, Hiscock H, Sewell J, Vance A, Luk E. (2001) The Prescription of Psychotropic Medications by Australian Paediatricians and Child Psychiatrists. Proceedings of the ADHD in the Third Millenium, Perspectives for Australia Conference (Sydney). (abstract)
Vance A, Maruff P, Luk E, Costin J, Tonge B. (2001). Primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type (ADHD-CT) and anxiety: increased postural diastolic blood pressure. Proceedings of the InternationalSociety for Research into Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Vancouver). (abstract)
Vance A,Luk E, Maruff P, Wood C, Costin J. (2001). Primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type (ADHD-CT) and anxiety: increased neurodevelopmental deficits (NDDs). Proceedings ofthe InternationalSociety for Research into Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Vancouver). (abstract)
Turner M, Luk E, Wood C, Vance A. (2001). Psychopathy and disruptive behaviour disorders in adolescents. Proceedings ofthe InternationalSociety for Research into Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Vancouver). (abstract)
Wood C, Vance A, Luk E, Turner M. (2001). ADHD in childhood and adolescence: Changes in patterns of comorbidity. Proceedings ofthe InternationalSociety for Research into Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Vancouver). (abstract)
Florey V, Luk E, Vance A, Birleson P. (2001). Characteristics of Dysthymic disorder and Major depressive disorder in children and adolescents in a clinical sample. Proceedings ofthe InternationalSociety for Research into Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Vancouver). (abstract)
Vance A, Luk ESL, Wood C, Costin J, Maruff P. (2000). Primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type: parent and child reports of anxiety. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research (Adelaide). (abstract)
Wood C, Vance A, Luk E, Turner M. (2000). ADHD in childhood and adolescence: Changes in patterns of comorbidity. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research (Adelaide). (abstract)
Turner M, Luk E, Wood C, Vance A. (2000). Psychopathy and disruptive behaviour disorders in adolescents. Proceedings of the Australian Psychological Society (Canberra). (abstract)
Turner M, Luk E, Wood C, Vance A. (2000). Psychopathy and disruptive behaviour disorders in adolescents. Proceedings of the MonashUniversity Postgraduate Seminar (Melbourne). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk ESL, Wood C, Costin J, Maruff P. (2000). Primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type, ODD, and anxiety: increased neurodevelopmental deficits. Proceedings of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Auckland). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Barnett R, Maruff P, Costin J, Luk ESL, Pantelis C. (2000). Abnormal Executive Function in primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type: the effect of psychostimulant medication and age on spatial working memory. Proceedings of theFaculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Auckland). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Barnett R, Maruff P, Luk ESL, Pantelis C. (2000) Primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type: Longer-term psychostimulant medication and better executive function performance. Proceedings of the Royal Australian and New ZealandCollege of Psychiatrists (Adelaide). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk ESL, Wood C, Costin J, Maruff P. (2000). Primary school-aged children with ADHD, combined type, ODD, and anxiety: increased neurodevelopmental deficits. Proceedings of the Royal Australian and New ZealandCollege of Psychiatrists (Adelaide). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Barnett R, Maruff P, Costin J, Luk ESL, Pantelis C. (2000). Abnormal Executive Function in primary school-age children with ADHD, combined type: the effect of psychostimulant medication and age on spatial working memory. Proceedings of the Royal Australian and New ZealandCollege of Psychiatrists (Adelaide). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Barnett R, Maruff P, Luk ESL, Pantelis C. (1999) Children with pervasive ADHD: Longer-term psychostimulant medication and better executive function performance. Proceedings of the International Society for Research into Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Barcelona). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk ESL, Costin, J, Tonge, BJ, Maruff P, Pantelis C. (1998) Preliminary investigations into children with ADHD who do not respond well to longer-term stimulant medication treatment. Proceedings of the Centre for Developmental Psychiatry Conference (Melbourne). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk ESL, Costin, J, Tonge, BJ, Maruff P, Pantelis C. (1998) ADHD and anxiety: Increased neurodevelopmental deficits in children with a self-report of anxiety. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Psychiatric Research (Brisbane). (abstract)
Vance, ALA, Maruff, P, Luk, ESL, Costin, J, Pantelis C. (1998) Executive Function and ADHD: Better executive function in children treated with psychostimulant medication for six months or more. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Psychiatric Research (Brisbane). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk ESL, Costin J, Tonge BJ, Maruff P, Pantelis C. (1998) ADHD and anxiety: clinical correlates in a referred clinical population. Proceedings of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Sydney). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk ESL, Costin J, Tonge BJ, Maruff P, Pantelis C. (1998) Executive function: psychostimulant medication effect in children with ADHD. Proceedings of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Sydney). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk SL, Costin J, Tonge BJ, Pantelis C.(1998) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and anxiety: Preliminary Investigations. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (supplement): 32; A59. (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk SL.(1997) An anxious subtype of ADHD; preliminary investigations. Proceedings of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Bali). (abstract)
Vance ALA, Luk SL.(1997) An anxious subtype of ADHD? Findings from a clinical sample. Proceedings of the Department of Psychiatry, The University of Melbourne, Research Forum (Melbourne). (abstract)