2007 - 2009
Evaluation of omega 3 supplementation in children with ADHD. Collaborators: Prof A Vance, Prof P Maruff
A randomized, double-blind, multi-centre, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of the clonidine adhesive patch for the treatment of tic disorders. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Prof Yasong Du (Chinese RCT Consortium)
Identifying Psychosocial risk in families of newly diagnosed paediatric oncology patients: the use of the PAT 2.0 in an Australian population.Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Ms Rebecca Tang, Ms Maria McCarthy
Investigation of visuospatial memory in children and adolescents with OCD: an fMRI study. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Ms Eve Gu, Dr Ross Cunnington
Investigation of visuospatial working memory in children and adolescents with OCD: an fMRI study. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Ms Hannah Shoemaker, Dr Ross Cunnington
The long term exercise capacity and quality of life of Fontan patients. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Prof Yves d'Udekem, Ms Stella Setyapranata
2006 - 2009
Investigation of visuo-spatial working memory with and without 'stress' in gifted, normal and learning impaired children. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Mr James Brown, Emeritus Professor Brian Start
The associations of dysthymic disorder with visuospatial memory and visuospatial working memory performance in post-pubertal adolescents. Collaborators: Prof A Vance & Ms A. Boden (Honours 2007)
The associations of dysthymic disorder with visuospatial memory and visuospatial working memory performance in pre-pubertal children. Collaborators: Prof A Vance & Ms T. Franklin (Honours 2007)
The investigation of the neural correlates of spatial working memory in dysthymic disorder. Collaborators: Prof A Vance & Ms K. Searle (Honours 2007)The long term exercise capacity and quality of life of fontan patients. Collaborators: Prof A Vance & Ms S. Setyapranata (AMS 2007)
A randomized, double-blind, multi-centre, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of the clonidine adhesive patch for the treatment of tic disorders. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Prof Yasong Du (Chinese RCT Consortium)
2006 - 2008
Frontal-striatal-parietal activation in children with dysthymic disorder: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Ross Cunnington, Ms Jacqueline Yamada
Frontal-striatal-parietal activation in children with obsessive compulsive disorder: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Ross Cunnington, Ms Marian Kolta
A statewide audit of quality of life issues in cardiac surgery. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Robert Weintraub, Dr Ajay Ali
Frontal-striatal-parietal activation in children with ADHD, combined type and dysthymic disorder: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Ross Cunnington, Ms Jean Ong
Frontal-striatal-parietal activation in children with ADHD, combined type and anxiety: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Ross Cunnington, Ms Melissa Casey
Family and community genetic linkage study of autistic spectrum disorder. Collaborators: Professors Martin Delatycki, Ingrid Schaeffer, Peter Hewson, Vicki Anderson, Alasdair Vance
A national audit of quality of life issues in cardiac transplantation. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Robert Weintraub, Dr Azhar Ali
Clinical Oncology Group for the Cancer Control Consortium. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Oncology Department, Royal Children's Hospital
The genetic architecture of visual attention in ADHD-combined type. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Mark Bellgrove, Dr Jason Mattingley, Dr Ross Cunnington, Dr Paul Lockhart, Dr Chris Chambers
Investigation of New Daily Persistent Headache and transformed migraine: biological and clinical correlates. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Jacques Joubert, Dr Paul Lockhart
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-gonadal axis function before and after stress in children with ADHD-CT with and without dysthymic disorder. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Ms Felicity Karsz, Professor George Werther
Exploring the influence of perceptual and cognitive load on selective attention in children with ADHD. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Prof Jason Mattingley, Dr Mark Bellgrove, Mr Edgar Chan
2005 - 2008
Oculomotor GABAergic frontostriatal dysfunction in children with ADHD, combined type and anxiety. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Prof Florence Levy, Prof Paul Maruff, Dr Daryl Efron, Dr Roxanne Shafiq-Antonacci
2005 - 2006
Frontal-striatal-parietal activation in children with ADHD, combined type: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Ross Cunnington, Dr Mark Bellgrove
Differential patterns of psychosocial adversity in children with Epidermolysis Bulosa and Dermatitis. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr John Su
Language, literacy and behavioural characteristics in children referred to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Lesley Bretherton
Investigation of visuospatial planning ability in primary school age children with ADHD, combined type using fMRI. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Ross Cunnington
Atomoxetine use in primary school age children with ADHD, combined type with and without anxiety: executive function outcomes. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Prof Paul Maruff
Atomoxetine use in primary school age children with ADHD, combined type with and without anxiety: an fMRI study of treatment response and prefrontal cortical activation. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Ross Cunnington
Oculomotor GABAergic frontostriatal dysfunction in ADHD, combined type with and without anxiety. Collaborators: A Vance. F Levy, P Maruff, D Efron, Shafiq-Antonacci
Functional brain imaging studies of mental rotation and problem solving in high-functioning autism and ADHD, combined type. Collaborators: A Vance, R Cunnington, M Bellgrove, V Anderson, T Inder, T Silk, N Rinehart, J Bradshaw
TALKING HEADS - WHY CHROME? Engaging Young People Through Community Connection: Two innovative group interventions [a] for young people at risk for inhalant abuse and [b] with established severe inhalant abuse. These group interventions are run in partnership between mental health, drug and alcohol, educational support and residential services in the inner and middle south regions of metropolitan Melbourne. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Taskforce (Drug and Alcohol Agency), City of Kingston
2004 - 2005
Olfactory identification in children with ADHD: exploring behavioural subtypes.Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Warwick Brewer, Dr Joanne Sais, A/Prof Chris Pantelis, Prof Pat McGorry
2003 - 2005
Investigation of the attention and memory correlates of anxiety disorders alone, ADHD-CT and anxiety and ADHD-CT alone in a child and adolescent clinical sample. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Beate Harrison
Investigation of the phenomenology and clinical correlates of anxiety disorders alone, ADHD-CT and anxiety and ADHD-CT in a primary school-age clinical sample. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Campbell Thorpe
2002 - 2004
A child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) audit of 12 months of clinical case management in 2001 by chart review followed by interview-based assessment of the current phenomenology, neuropsychological performance, parental psychopathology and family functioning of a randomly selected sample of children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders, depressive disorders, psychotic disorders, and autistic disorders. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Paul Denborough, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni
Investigation of the attention and memory correlates of anxiety disorders, dysthymic disorder and ADHD-CT in a child and adolescent clinical sample. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Michelle Sanders, Dr Yolanda Arduca
Investigation of the phenomenology and clinical correlates of anxiety disorders, dysthymic disorder and ADHD-CT in a primary school-age clinical sample. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Michelle Sanders, Dr Yolanda Arduca
Investigation of the psychosocial correlates of anxiety disorders, dysthymic disorder and ADHD-CT in a child and adolescent clinical sample. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Yolanda Arduca, Dr Michelle Sanders
Investigation of alcohol and substance abuse/dependence disorders in 10-15 year old children with depressive disorders (major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder and adjustment disorder with depressed mood) matched with a control group. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Ms Nicole Hall, Ms Sarah Hetrick
Investigation of suicidal ideation and attempts in 10-15 year old children with depressive disorders (major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder and adjustment disorder with depressed mood) matched with a control group. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Ms Sarah Hetrick, Ms Nicole Hall
investigation of the relationship between autism symptoms and ADHD-combined type symptoms in pre-school children using a longitudinal design. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Prof. Bruce Tonge, Dr Kylie Gray
Investigation of the relationship between trauma symptoms and ADHD-combined type symptoms in children using a cross sectional design. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Jolene Fraser
Investigation of the relationship between dysthymic disorder symptoms and psychosocial correlates in children with ADHD-combined type using a cross sectional design. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Dr Katrina Harris
Investigation of the relationship between anxiety and dysthymic disorder in children with ADHD-combined type using a cross sectional design. Collaborators: Prof Alasdair Vance, Ms Marilyn Boots