well are we meeting the psychosocial needs of adolescent and young adult (AYA)
Cancer is a major contributor to the burden of disease in
young Australians. Over the past decade, the Australian government has made a
significant financial commitment to service redevelopment to improve the health
and life outcomes of young people with cancer, a group that has not experienced
the same improvements in survival as other age groups. There are many
explanations for this ‘survival gap’. However, regardless of the explanation,
there is widespread acknowledgement by governments, health care services and
consumers alike that the informational and psychosocial needs of adolescent and
young adults with cancer (AYA) are not being met. Given the growing evidence of the impact of
these unmet needs on the current and future health of AYAs with cancer,
improving their access to developmentally appropriate psychosocial support is
The objective of the study is to use research to inform the
development of a model of care for AYAs with cancer and their families. The
specific aims of this project include:
- To extend the currently limited empirical knowledge about
the nature of AYA experiences with cancer and its treatment, focusing on
psychosocial support and informational needs of AYAs and parent/carers;
- To assess whether AYA cancer patients and their
parents/carers report receiving adequate psychosocial support and informational
resources from the services that they currently attend for care, and to
identify key characteristics of unmet psychosocial support needs.
- To
establish baseline data and an instrument that can be utilized in future
evaluation studies to assess the progress of AYA service development in
The study employed a mixed method sequential study of AYAs
and their primary caregivers. Stage 1 consisted of interviews with 60 AYAs and
matched carer/parents across 3 Australian States.
This informed Stage 2 which was the development and
implementation of a national survey at 18 services that provide cancer care to
Key publications
Sawyer SM, McCarthy MC, Dunt D, Mcneil R,
Thompson K, Orme L, Drew SE. Fulfilling the vision of youth-friendly cancer
care: a study protocol. J AYA Oncol
2016; 5(3):267-677. LINK
MC, McNeil R, Drew S, Dunt D, Kosola S, Orme L, Sawyer SM. Psychological
Distress and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Adolescents and Young Adults with
Cancer and their Parents. J AYA Oncol 2016; 5(4): 322-9. LINK
Sawyer SM,
McNeil R, McCarthy M, Orme L, Thompson K, Drew SE, Dunt D. Unmet need for
healthcare services in adolescents and young adults with cancer and their
parent carers. Supportive Care in Cancer
2017; 25(7): 2229-2239. LINK
Kosola S,
McCarthy MC, McNeil R, Orme L, Drew SE, Sawyer SM. Early Education and
Employment Outcomes After Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of
Adolescent Oncology. Published online 13 November 2017. LINK
M, McNeil R, Drew S, Orme L, Sawyer SM. Information Needs Of Adolescent And
Young Adult Cancer Patients and their Parent Carers. Supportive Care and Cancer 2018, 26 (5) 1655-1664. LINK
Translation materials

Education and training
working with AYA with cancer can be upskilled by post graduate training in
Adolescent and Young Adult Health and Wellbeing. A graduate certificate on AYA Cancer is offered by the University of
Melbourne through the Centre for Adolescent Health, Department of Paediatrics.
Centre for Adolescent Health also offers a free online course for
health professionals, and anyone with an interest in young people with cancer.
Funding was
awarded from Cancer Australia (2011-2014), Royal Children’s Hospital
Foundation, Victorian State Government Department of Health and Human Services,
The ONTrac at Peter Mac Victorian Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Service,
and RedKite.
Key partners
Youth Cancer Service, Peter MacCallum Hospital, RedKite, Victorian State
Government Department of Health and Human Services, Victorian and Tasmanian
Youth Cancer Advisory Board.
Key contacts
investigator, Professor
Susan Sawyer.