Note: this is a past research project that is now complete.
Project title
Guidelines to Inform Planning & Purchasing of Evidence-based
Practice: Interventions for Promoting Health in the Adolescent
The primary aim of this project was to prepare a comprehensive
review of the evidence relevant to the effectiveness of adolescent
health promotion strategies for decreasing risk factors and
enhancing protective factors for six key outcomes - depression,
youth suicide, alcohol and substance abuse, tobacco use, antisocial
behaviour, sexual risk taking behaviour.
Project Description
This project collated, reviewed, and analysed, evidence based
approaches to prevention and health promotion relevant to
decreasing risk factors and enhancing protective factors for six
key outcomes - depression, youth suicide, alcohol and substance
abuse, tobacco use, antisocial behaviour, and sexual risk taking
behaviour. The specific focus was on evidence of the efficacy of
key health promotion interventions targeted to adolescents (defined
as 10-18 year olds). Evidence published over the last decade formed
the focus. This project defined levels of evidence, across the
targeted outcomes and coverd a broad range of approaches to health
promotion including public policy and the development of skills.
Recommendations relevant to future preventative expenditure were
Toumbourou, J., Patton G., Sawyer, S., Olsson, C., Catalano,
R., Godfrey, C., And Webb-Pullman, J (1999) Guidelines to Inform
Planning & Purchasing of Evidence-based Practice: Interventions
for Promoting Health in the Adolescent Population. Report prepared
for Division of Public Health, Department of Human Services.
Dr John Toumbourou