The Fresh Air for The Kids FAFTK

  • Note: this is a past research project that is now complete.


    The Fresh Air for The Kids (FAFTK) project aimed to increase the capacity of child health professionals at the Royal Children's Hospital to provide a brief opportunistic smoking cessation message to parents who smoke. The broad aim is to promote smoke-free home environments for children.

    Project Description

    FAFTK comprised five phases with a strong research focus.

    • Phase 1: documenting current practice.
      955 patients' case notes were reviewed and 743 parents were telephoned to assess the documentation of parents' smoking status and whether cessation advice was given.
    • Phase 2: evaluation of parent attitudes.
      153 interviews were conducted with parents identify the range opinions about smoking cessation advice delivered by child health professionals in a child health setting.
    • Phase 3: evaluation of health professional attitudes.
      Structured interviews were conducted with a variety of staff to identify opinions and potential barriers encountered when delivering smoking cessation advice to parents. 442 staff were subsequently surveyed and the main barriers reported were: despondency that they would make no difference to parent smoking, concern about the parents' beliefs and reactions, and belief that it is not their role

    The findings from phases one to three were used to inform the development and implementation of the intervention conducted in Phase 4.

    • Phase 4: implementation of a multi-faceted intervention.
      The intervention included education programs for health professionals; education tools (video & pamphlet); internet resources; training for ward nurses; changes to patient admissions; development of a new smoking policy.
    • Phase 5: evaluation of change in health professional opportunistic smoking cessation interventions.
      From case note reviews and surveys conducted with parent smokers43% of parents recalled being asked about smoking and 31% recalled receiving an anti-smoking message: a five fold improvement.

    An evaluation conducted 12 months after the implementation process indicated that the increase in delivery of smoking cessation messages was sustained. Forty-eight percent of parent smokers recalled being asked and 17% received a quit message.


    Roseby, R., Strong, K., Pyper, N., Cerritelli, B., Borland, R., & Sawyer, S. (2004). Fresh Air For The Kids–Improving The Capacity Of Child Health Professionals To Address Parent Smoking. Respirology9, A10. | Link


    Susan Sawyer