In this section
The Cardiology Department at The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) provides a diagnostic and treatment service for patients referred with actual, or suspected, heart disease. The service comprises outpatient facilities, inpatient provision, a comprehensive range of non-invasive investigational facilities, cardiac catheterisation and angiography with a range of interventional cardiology procedures.
Our goal is to ensure that all infants and children born with heart defects, or acquiring heart disease during childhood, have access to effective diagnostic and treatment facilities and are given the best possible chance of enjoying a full and healthy life.
The Cardiology Department at the RCH caters for infants and children from Victoria, Southern New South Wales and Tasmania. In addition, patients from South Australia and the Northern Territory are referred for surgery if they require an open heart operation in infancy, or have complex heart defects. The Department also provides a service for selected patients from Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland for some more complex/specialised problems (such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome) or if Transplantation is being considered.
If you'd like to know more about the Cardiology Department please continue to explore our web site or contact us directly.
If you are visiting the Cardiology Department Howie's Place can help to guide you.