Parents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status-Revised (PEDS-R®) is an evidence-based, brief and accurate method for detecting and addressing developmental, behavioural and social-emotional/mental health concerns in children under eight years
of age.
The PEDS-R® developmental screening tool uses a parent-completed questionnaire to help practitioners identify children with undetected developmental and behavioural difficulties and at risk of school problems.
PEDS-R® helps the practitioner identify whether
- a child needs a developmental evaluation or mental health assessment
- parents need reassurance or further advice, and if so, on what topics
- a child should be monitored carefully over time to ensure prompt attention for any emerging problems.
The original PEDS® developmental screening tool was developed in the USA by Dr Frances Page Glascoe PhD, a Professor of Paediatrics at Vanderbilt University. The 10 items on the original questionnaire were chosen on the basis of research
data, and the language used in the questions was selected carefully.
PEDS-R® has extended the original 10 questions by adding two questions that prompt for global/cognitive and health concerns and refined the original paths.
Watch a short video featuring Professor Sharon Goldfeld, Director of CCCH and paediatrician, public health researcher and policy advisor, explaining the purpose of PEDS-R® and the importance of working collaboratively with parents. Prof Goldfeld
has collaborated with Dr Frances Page Glascoe and LLC in the US to bring the PEDS® and now PEDS-R® to Australia and New Zealand.
Discover the PEDS-R® materials
Components of PEDS-R®
PEDS-R® combines screening, scoring and interpretation components into a four-page printed, perforated booklet comprising:
- Directions
- Response Form
- Score Form
- Interpretation Form
- Practitioner use section for recording Current Findings and Action Steps.
Order the PEDS-R® materials
The Royal Children’s Hospital Centre for Community Child Health holds the license to distribute PEDS-R® across Australia and New Zealand.
PEDS® and PEDS-R® materials are copyright. They cannot be photocopied, reused or reproduced without permission from The Royal Children’s Hospital Centre for Community Child Health. PEDS-R
® materials can only be purchased from the Centre for Community Child Health using the PEDS-R® order form.
A PEDS-R® sub-license agreement is essential if PEDS-R® is to be
used in any of the following ways:
- Reproducing any
of the PEDS-R® materials in child health records
Using any of the PEDS-R®
materials, or reproducing any of the PEDS-R® materials in a research project
Using PEDS-R® questions
in a population-based survey.
This applies to electronic or paper-based PEDS-R® materials. If you or your organisation would like to know more about a PEDS-R® sub-license agreement, please contact us