In this section
Since 2009, CCCH has supported the development of ten Child and Family Centres in Tasmania, utilising the CCCH Platforms approach as a guiding framework.
Child and Family Centres are places for families with children birth to 5 to access a range of services. The Child and Family Centres aim to improve the health, wellbeing, education and care of Tasmania’s very young children by supporting parents and enhancing accessibility of services in the local community.
The work has reflected genuine engagement with community members and opportunities for practitioners and service users to train and work together in collaborative ways that aspire to the integration of child and family services.
The Learning and Development Strategy provides planned professional development for staff and community members to support the roll out of the Tasmanian Child and Family Centres and better integrate child and family services in 12 communities. Learning activities are guided by the Platforms Service Redevelopment Framework and utilise the Family Partnership Model as a framework for reflective practice and the exploration of practice issues. Learning activities include:
The Learning & Development Strategy has been designed and facilitated by the Centre for Community Child Health between July 2009 and June 2015.
For more information on the Tasmanian Child and Family Centres, please contact Paul Prichard, Training and Development Manager