See also
Burns - Post Acute Care and Dressings
Key points
- Burn injuries should be managed as a Trauma case requiring primary and secondary survey
- Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation is essential for fluid resuscitation decision making. TBSA does not include epidermal burns
- Ensure adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort
- Appropriately consented photographs of the burn are very helpful for assessment and monitoring
Specific features in children with burns
- Children have thinner skin than adults, predisposing them to a deeper burn for any given temperature
- Assessment of burn depth is difficult, especially early post injury
- Young children are at risk of hypothermia, especially during initial cooling of the burn
Burns are described as epidermal, dermal (superficial/mid/deep) and full thickness
History of burn
- Time of injury
- Mechanism of injury, including circumstance for specific pattern of burn
- Scald: estimated temperature and nature of the liquid
- Contact: estimated temperature and nature of the surface
- Friction
- Flame / explosion: product that burned/exploded, location (enclosed vs. open space); duration of exposure, inhalation injury
- Electrical: voltage, type of current (AC or DC), duration of contact
- Chemical: type of product
- Cold: direct contact with cold surface or exposure (frostbite)
- Radiant: sunburn
- First aid
- Time started (was it within 3 hours and maintained)
- Agents used
- If clothes and jewellery were removed
- Decontamination method (for chemical exposure)
- Consider co-existing non-burn injuries
- Consider
non-accidental injury or vulnerable child
- Tetanus status
Examination and initial management
Like all traumas paediatric burn assessments require a primary and secondary survey with the initial aim of identifying and managing immediate life threats: do not get distracted by the burn injury.
- Signs of airway burn/inhalation injury: stridor, hoarseness, black sputum, respiratory distress, singed nasal hairs or facial swelling
- Sign of oropharyngeal burn: soot in mouth, intraoral oedema and erythema
- Significant neck burn
- If above present, consider early intubation
- If suspicion of airway burns or carbon monoxide intoxication apply high flow oxygen
- Protect the cervical spine with immobilisation if there is associated trauma
- Full thickness and/or circumferential chest burns may require escharotomy to permit chest expansion
- If early shock is present, consider causes other than the burn
- IV fluid resuscitation as required
- IV or IO access (preferably 2 points of access)
- For circumferential burns check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy
- If altered conscious state, consider airway support
- Assess neurovascular status if limb involved
Exposure - burn assessment and initial management
- Assessment of burn depth
- Burns are dynamic wounds, it is difficult to accurately estimate the true depth and extent of the wound in the first 48-72 hours
- Do NOT include area with epidermal burn (erythema only)
Capillary Refill
Superficial Dermal
Pale Pink
Mid Dermal
Dark Pink
Deep Dermal
Blotchy Red
Full Thickness
- Assessment of TBSA
- Expose whole body - remove clothing and log roll to visualise posterior surfaces
- Use Lund & Browder Chart
- The palmar surface of the child’s hand (including fingers) represents approximately 1% TBSA and can be used to approximate TBSA
- First aid
- Remove jewellery and clothing in contact with burn source
- Cool affected area as soon as possible (within 3 hours from time of burn) for 20 minutes with cool running water
- If unavailable, other options include: frequently changed cold water compresses, immersion in a basin, irrigation via an open giving set
- Never apply ice and avoid use of hydrogel burn products
- Cover burn with plastic cling film lengthways along the burn (do not wrap circumferentially)
- Do not apply plastic cling film to face (use paraffin ointment)
- Do not apply plastic cling film to a chemical burn
- Discuss chemical burn decontamination with Poisons Information (Tel: 131126)
- Appropriately consented photos of burns prior to dressings are useful for ongoing management
- Prevent hypothermia
- Remove wet clothes/dressings after initial cooling
- Try to keep child otherwise warm
- Cover the wound and the child after assessment
- When possible, warm intravenous fluids and the room
Fluid management in burns ≥10% TBSA
The goal is management of burns shock, through optimal replacement of fluid losses to maximise wound and body perfusion, and minimise wound and body oedema and associated adverse effects
- Calculate requirements from time of the burn, not time of presentation
- Calculate fluid volume using Modified Parkland Formula (see below)
- Hartmann’s Solution is the fluid of choice - if unavailable, use 0.9% sodium chloride
- Insert urinary catheter for strict fluid balance
- Keep nil by mouth and consider nasogastric tube - gastric ileus is a potential complication
Modified Parkland Formula

Patients with delayed fluid resuscitation, electrical conduction injury and inhalation injury have higher fluid requirements. Discuss with specialist team
- Especially during cooling, dressing and mobilisation. See
Acute Pain Management
- Appropriate initial choices include intranasal fentanyl or IV morphine
Initial investigations
Major burn (≥10% TBSA)
Haemoglobin, electrolytes, BGL, group and hold, VBG
Multi trauma
Primary and Secondary survey
Suspected inhalation injury
ABG for carbon monoxide
Electrical burn
Burn wound management
FACADE = First aid, Analgesia, Clean, Assess, Dress, Elevate
General burn management
- Limit debridement to wiping away clearly loose/blistered skin
- De-roof blisters with moist gauze or forceps and scissors if >5mm or crossing joints. See
blister management
- Clean burn wound and surrounding surface with saline or water
- Reassess burn, take photos with appropriate consent
- Apply appropriate occlusive non-adherent
dressing. If these products are not available, refer to local Burns service for alternative options
- If there is anticipated delay or time until definitive care, consider use of multiple layer BactigrasTM
Facial and perineal burns
Epidermal or superficial dermal
Apply white soft paraffin twice daily after cleaning face
Chloramphenicol ointment to eye and ear burns
Perineal burns are at risk of contamination – after bowel action, area should be cleaned with soapy solution; consider catheterisation
Mid or deep dermal
Consider silver-impregnated dressing (discuss with Burns service)
Other body regions
May not require dressing
Consider covering with protective, low-adherent dressing (eg MepitelTM, MelolinTM, BactrigrasTM) for comfort
Mid or deep dermal
Dressing product used depends on the expected duration required before removal or wound review
Consider consultation with local paediatric team when
- Suspected non-accidental injury, self-inflicted burns or assault
- Multiple co-morbidities
- Concern regarding ability to care for burns at home
Consider transfer when
Child requiring care beyond the comfort level of the hospital
Following burns:
- >10% TBSA
- All full thickness
- Special areas: face, ears, eyes, neck, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum or a major joint, even if
- Circumferential
- Chemical
- Electrical
- Associated with trauma and/or spinal cord injury
- All inhalation/airway
- Children
<12 months
For emergency advice and paediatric or neonatal ICU transfers, see
Retrieval Services
Special considerations
Type of burn
Circumferential deep burn (deep dermal or full thickness)
Neurovascular compromise
Elevate part of limb distal to burn
Monitor colour, capillary refill time, temperature
Escharotomy may be required
Head and neck burns
Nurse head up to reduce swelling and oedema
Ocular burns (See
Acute eye injuries in children)
Signs include blepharospasm, tearing, conjunctivitis
All facial burns should have assessment with fluorescein 2% eye drops to assess for corneal damage
Treat with copious irrigation using 0.9% sodium chloride with topical anaesthetic in eye (unaffected eye upwards)
- Up to 1 hour with acidic contamination or until pain stops
- Up to 2 hours with alkaline contamination or until pain stops
Topical chloramphenicol to prevent secondary infection
Urgent paediatric ophthalmology review
Limb burns
Elevate the limb
Monitor perfusion distal to burn
Suspicion of associated Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, Cyanide poisoning
Liaise early with Paediatric Burn Unit, Intensive Care and Poisons Information (Tel: 131126)
Electrical injuries
Liaise early with Paediatric Burn Service and Intensive Care
Inspect for entrance/exit wounds
Consider spinal precautions
Risk of dysrhythmias - consider 24 hours ECG monitoring
Monitor for elevated CK, urine haemoglobin and haemochromogen
Chemical burns
- Personal protective equipment for first aid givers should be worn (gloves, mask, gown, eye protection)
- Remove contaminated clothing
- Brush powdered agent off skin
- Areas in contact with chemical should be irrigated with cool water
- Irrigate to floor with appropriate drainage so contaminated water does not cause further injury
Tetanus prone wounds
Burns – medical treatment
Burns – prevention and first aid
Burns – rehabilitation
Additional notes
See individual State Burns and Trauma clinical information and mobile phone applications
Last updated June 2020