Citing our guidelines

  • Below is a suggestion for how to cite our Clinical Practice Guidelines. It meets the Vancouver style requirements, but you may want to check the requirements of the journal etc you are submitting to. You need to modify the sections in bold italic.

    The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, Clinical Practice Guideline on topic name, [Internet, last updated see date at the bottom of the particular guideline (where available); cited date you last viewed], Available from:

    This is our standard approach to reuse of our CPG materials.

    Website use

    In general we prefer you to link to our site rather than republish our materials on your own web site. Your users will then always have access to the most up to date version.

    You do not need our permission to link to our site but you will need permission to republish any of our materials.

    More details are available regarding the RCH website Terms of Use.

    Use for resources other than websites

    If you want to make limited use of our materials in not-for-profit internal or educational activities and publications then in general we are happy to grant this.

    We also usually grant permission for small amounts of material to be republished in textbooks etc

    In general we do not grant permission for other than small amounts of our material to be republished, rebranded, or used for other commercial purposes including textbooks

    In each of these situations you must ask us before using our materials and must indicate exactly what materials you want to use and for what purpose. Please follow this link to submit your query via our feedback form.

    If we do grant you permission then you must acknowledge us as the source, and if they are modified for publication this must be indicated in your version.

    One of these statements will be appropriate

    "Republished, with permission, from resources at The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia "

    "Adapted, with permission, from resources at The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia "