See also
Parapneumonic effusion
Assessment of severity of respiratory conditions
Key points
- Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) can be diagnosed clinically and is most often due to viruses
- Chest X-Ray, blood tests and microbiological investigations are not recommended for routine use in the diagnosis and management of CAP
- For non-severe pneumonia, high dose oral amoxicillin is recommended, even for inpatient use
- For infants
<1 month of age see Recognition of the seriously unwell neonate and young infant and
Sepsis guidelines
- Pneumonia can be defined clinically as the presence of fever, cough and tachypnoea at rest (and retractions in younger children)
- “Complicated pneumonia” occurs when there is a complication such as parapneumonic effusion, empyema, lung abscess or necrotising pneumonia
- Fever
- Tachypnoea at rest
- Cough
- Increased work of breathing/respiratory distress
- Apnoea (neonates)
- Abdominal pain
- Appears lethargic/unwell
- Hypoxaemia
- Tachypnoea
- Chest wall in-drawing, retractions, grunting, nasal flaring
- Crackles and/or bronchial breathing on auscultation
- Absent breath sounds and a dull percussion note suggest a pleural effusion
Assessment of severity
Assessment of severity of respiratory conditions
Severe pneumonia should be considered if there are clinical features of pneumonia and one or more of:
sepsis in children with severe pneumonia
Investigations, including chest X-Ray (CXR), are not recommended routinely for CAP, particularly in those with mild disease who are expected to be managed as an outpatient
- Recommended when severe or complicated pneumonia is suspected
- Consider repeating if the child deteriorates at any time or fails to clinically improve after 48-72 hours of appropriate antibiotic therapy
- Follow-up CXR is not required for those who have uncomplicated pneumonia or small parapneumonic effusion and recover uneventfully
- Follow-up CXR is recommended after 6 weeks for:
- complicated pneumonia
- recurrent pneumonia involving the same lobe or if initial suspicion of a chest mass, anatomical abnormality or foreign body
Severe or complicated pneumonia
- UEC for children receiving intravenous fluids
- FBE and blood film
- Microbiological investigations
- Blood culture
- Influenza PCR (nasal swab or aspirate)
- COVID-19 testing (as per local testing criteria)
- Testing for other viral pathogens will not change management
- Testing for atypical pathogens is unhelpful as it does not differentiate infection from asymptomatic carriage
- Acute phase reactants (including CRP and procalcitonin) cannot distinguish between a viral or bacterial cause nor indicate severity
- Consider
Admission to hospital is required for children who require supplemental O2, hydration support with NG or IV fluids, or moderate to severe work of breathing
Provide supplemental oxygen if saturations are
If giving NG or IV maintenance fluids, limit fluids to 2/3 of the child’s
calculated fluid requirement to avoid fluid overload, with regular clinical review of fluid status
Advice regarding antibiotic management is summarised in the algorithm below. High dose oral amoxicillin is as effective as IV benzylpenicillin
Most children, including hospitalised children, can be managed with oral antibiotics
Antimicrobial recommendations may vary according to local antimicrobial susceptibility patterns; please refer to local guidelines
Penicillin hypersensitivity
Refer to
Therapeutic Guidelines and
Antibiotic prescribing in children with reported penicillin or cephalosporin allergy for guidance on assessing severity of allergy and appropriate antimicrobial options
For immediate and/or severe penicillin hypersensitivity, non-beta-lactam antibiotic alternatives for CAP include
- Oral
- Doxycycline 50 mg (<26 kg), 75 mg (26-35 kg), 100 mg (>35 kg) oral BD
- Azithromycin 10 mg/kg (max 500 mg) oral daily
- Intravenous
- Ciprofloxacin 10 mg/kg (max 400 mg) IV 12 hourly
- Vancomycin IV (see local hospital protocol for doses)
Atypical pneumonia
There is no proven benefit from treatment of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia but it may be considered in severe pneumonia not responding to treatment
Consider consultation with local paediatric team when
- Child fulfills criteria for hospital admission
- Outpatient therapy fails
Consider transfer when
- Severe or complicated pneumonia
- Comorbidities such as cardiac disease, chronic respiratory disease, immune deficiency or suppression are present
- Child requiring care above the level of comfort of the local hospital
For emergency advice and paediatric or neonatal ICU transfers, see Retrieval Services
Consider discharge when
Child is maintaining adequate oxygenation and oral intake
Note: children managed as outpatients should have medical review in 24–48 hrs
Parent information
Last updated October 2023