Keep baths luke-warm
Keep the home and car cool
Avoid air blowing heaters & low humidity environments
Use light bed coverings & pyjamas (eg cotton pyjamas)
Avoid woollen underlays, plastic mattress protectors, sleeping bags, hot water bottles
Avoid thick and multiple layers of clothing |
Avoid (alcohol) nappy wipes. Use cloth with water & bath oil
Bathe or shower with bath oil immediately after swimming in chlorinated pool
Use a non-perfumed clothes detergent
Remove clothing tags, avoid rough & prickly fabrics
Avoid dummies, drooling can cause irritation
Apply barrier cream to the perioral area when the infant is dribbling
Manage anxiety or behaviours that promote scratching
Keep nails short, use mittens in infants |
Wash hands before applying eczema treatments
Avoid contamination of moisturisers/creams by using a spatula to remove moisturiser from container, do not touch ends of tubes
Seek medical review early if concerns of infection not responding to prescribed treatment