Fracture Guideline Glossary

  • Term 



    Amount of bend at the fracture site.  Described in terms of the moving fragment from its anatomical position relative to the normal fragment.  Measured in degrees




    Advanced Trauma Life Support


    Avascular necrosis


    A partial cast that does not completely encircle the limb.  This allows for swelling.  A bandage is applied to keep it in place

    Bayonet apposition

    A fracture in which the two bone fragments are aligned side by side rather than in end-to-end contact.

    Bier's block

    iv regional anaesthetic agent where the local anaesthetic (either lignocaine or prilocaine) is injected into a vein preferably distal to the fracture whilst a proximal tourniquet remains in place for at least 25-30min

    Buckle injury

    Metaphyseal compression fracture.

    Clinical union Fracture site not tender to palpation or with movement

    Complete fracture

    A fracture that extends through both cortices

    Coronal plane

    A vertical plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior halves. Also called frontal plane.


    See translation


    General Anaesthetic, Manipulation and Plaster

    Greenstick fracture

    An incomplete fracture, in which only the convex side of the cortex is broken with bending of the bone


    Local Anaesthesic, Manipulation and Plaster


    Fracture has healed but with poor alignment


    Open reduction internal fixation

    Plastic deformation

    Bowing without disruption of cortex


    Range of motion

    Sagittal plane

    A vertical plane that divides the body into right and left sections.

    Three point moulding

    Three point moulding involves three points of pressure.  Pressure is applied directly above the fracture (dorsally) and two volar points at both the distal and proximal ends combining slight traction

    Torus injury

    See buckle


    Sideways movement of the fracture.  Described in terms of the moving fragment from its anatomical position relative to the normal fragment.  Measured as percentage of bone diameter or in millimetres