Component |
What to assess
Gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity, apparent age, body habitus, posture, cleanliness and grooming, hair/clothing style, cosmetics and jewellery, syndromic features, evidence of self-harm, neglect or physical abuse
Manner of relating to clinician and parents
Ease of separation from parent, interaction with clinician (eg agitation, avoidance, defiance, eagerness to please, overfamiliar), eye contact, facial expression, signs of distress or discomfort. Note presence of psychotic phenoma (eg
talking to self, laughing incongruently)
Activity level
Psychomotor slowing or agitation, sustained or episodic, goal-oriented or erratic, coordination, unusual postures or motor patterns (eg odd mannerisms, stereotypies, tics, tremors), gait
Quantity, quality, fluency (language skills), rate, rhythm, flow, volume, tone. Spontaneous and talkative to mute
Subjective description of how they are feeling, predominant emotion over days/weeks. 0-10 scale can be used (0: extremely sad and/or wishing to end life immediately, 10: extremely happy) Does mood change at different times of
the day, identify context to mood eg home, school, external factors What do they think would help their mood, what has worked in the past Explore sleep, appetite, interests, energy level, motivation
Current observed emotional state through non-verbal language. Describe:
- type eg angry, anxious, apathetic, apprehensive, dysphoric, euphoric, euthymic, happy, irritated, sad)
- range (constricted to labile)
- reactivity (blunted or flat to reactive)
- appropriateness, congruent or incongruent with described mood
Stream (ie speed)
Poverty of thought (thought blocking), poverty of content (perseveration), racing thoughts, flight of ideas
Logical and goal-directed or disordered (eg circumstantial, tangential, derailment, looseness of associations, word salad)
Obsessions, compulsions, ruminations, overvalued ideations, delusions (eg persecutory, referential, grandiose, somatic, bizarre), phobias, magical thinking, thoughts of harm to self or others
Altered bodily experiences (eg depersonalization, derealisation), passivity phenomenon, illusion, hallucination (eg auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, somatic)
Level of consciousness
Alert, drowsy, delirium, stupor
Awareness or confusion of situation and surroundings, knowledge* of name, location, date, familiar people *be mindful of language barriers, age and ability for accurate testing
Need for redirection/repeating, sustained activity, distractibility
Immediate eg repeat numbers, names back Short-term eg recall three objects at 2 and 5 minutes Long-term eg recall events of past week
Impression of current abilities, concrete to abstract thinking
Insight & Judgment
Intact, partial or poor insight Understanding of their condition Ability to identify potentially pathological events eg hallucinations, suicidal impulses Acknowledgement of a possible mental health problem,
locus of control (internal vs external)
Intact to impaired judgement Problem solving ability in context of current psychological state (can be explored by recent decision making) Consider the impact of external influences such as social media