Notifying the Coroner

  • The online systems are about to change. This is due to happen on February 19th

    Before you do a deposition, ring the coroner's office (1300 309 519)

    • State that you wish to report a death
    • Ask for a case number
    • Ask if the new system has been activated.
      If so they will give you a URL to access the form.

    If the new system is not yet live - please use Death report to Coroner - Medical Practitioner's Deposition.

    Follow the instructions about printing the completed form

    If the new system is live - use the URL provided by the coroner's office.

    You will need your MPBV Medical Practitioners Registration Number when you complete the form.
    If you have forgotten it - you can look it up here.

    Once completed, the data is sent securely to the coroner and our medico-legal office. Please print a copy to go in the medical record and also print and mail a copy to the medico-legal office (once we are more confident in the electronic transmission this step will be removed). In certain cases you may wish to print and keep a copy for your own records.