
  • Choosing a pram is a big decision! But generally speaking, as long as the pram meets the Australian Standards (AS/NZS 2088) and has the ability for lying flat (full recline or a basinet attachment) then the pram should be safe for any infant to use. 

    If your pram has a harness attached, then it should always be used to secure your baby when in the pram. Blankets can be positioned over the top of your baby and the harness. This is the safest way to transport your baby in a pram. 

    If your baby has a basinet attachment, your baby could be swaddled and no harness required. 

    If your baby has additional positioning needs, a review from the occupational therapist or physiotherapist may be beneficial before discharge to ensure your baby is as safe and comfortable in the pram as possible. Your bedside nurse or care manager may request this assessment.

    If your baby has additional medical needs and is being discharged home with additional equipment (e.g. respiratory support), the occupational therapist will support you to problem-solve your baby’s equipment needs and getting out and about in their pram.

    See this Raising Children’s Network resource for more information about safety when using prams for infants.