
  • There are a variety of cots used on Butterfly ward:

    Regular ‘ward’ cot

    Used for more stable babies who usually weigh over 2 kilograms. All babies planned for transfer to another ward in the hospital will be moved to one of these regular cots first.



    Used for preterm babies who usually weigh less than 2 kilograms, and babies who may have infections that could be transmitted to other patients.


    Radiant warmer/open bed/hybrid

    Used for newly arrived and/or babies who need lots of access by staff for close observation, regular procedures or surgeries.

    AJA_4810 - radiant warmer


    Whichever cot is used, the sides must be up at all times that a person is not standing at the bedside. For infection control reasons, and to meet SIDS safe sleeping guidelines, no soft toys should be placed in the cot with your baby.