
Eczema Treatment

Please complete the form below to generate an individualised eczema treatment plan for your patient.

Patient details

UR number

Name (first and last)

Date of birth

Active eczema (red and/or itchy area)

Medicated creams/ointments

Face (find out more)


Other - body/neck/limbs/scalp (find out more):


Other medicated creams/ointments:

Wet dressings

Apply wet dressing to the arms and legs (find out more):


Cool compress

Apply cool compresses to the face:


Wear wet:


In the:




Take the following medications as prescribed


Everyday care


Bathing oil - use at bath time (find out more):


Bathing wash (use at bath time):


Moisturiser face, limbs and body:

For children with infected eczema or prone to secondary skin infections



Additional information

Contact information

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