
  • Vaping 

    In Australia recreational vaping, or use of e-cigarettes by young people has increased significantly in the last few years, exposing children and non-smokers to harmful health impacts.

    Recent figures from the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare shows that 17.9% of young people aged 15-17 have used e-cigarette or vaping devices with that percentage increasing to 38% for those aged 18-24 years. This is despite the known health harms associated with vaping, vaping products continue to be used recreationally by young people.

    The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has not safety tested e-cigarettes or e-liquids, so they should not be considered a safe product. It is important to note that the even though the vast number of vapes advertise themselves as nicotine free evidence shows the majority of non-nicotine vapes do contain nicotine. Nicotine besides being illegal is also harmful and addictive.​

    There is evidence to show that nicotine exposure during the teenage years can harm brain development and this can continue up until about age 25. It can impact learning, memory, and attention, and increase risk for future addiction to other drugs. Young people who use e-cigarettes may be more likely to go on to use regular cigarettes.

    E-cigarettes or vaping products are not regulated in Australia and are often purchased online, meaning they can be made anywhere, by anyone and contain anything.

    If you’re worried about your child, or if your child needs support to quit vaping, it’s a good idea to see your GP. 

    More information and advice on vaping can be found on The Royal children's Hospital (RCH) Kids Health Information page: Kids Health Information : E-cigarettes and teens (