For VCE students - Diabetes Information for VCE Students

  • Some useful hints and tips when preparing for VCE and thinking about your diabetes

    For anyone with diabetes special consideration is available for diabetes related health issues that impact a your performance in the GAT, SAC's and final exams.

    The school needs to apply for special exam provisions appropriate for you such as:

    • permission to attend to any diabetes related issues during exam, with time taken added to end of exam writing time
    • food / drink permitted in the exam room (make sure no noisy wrappers)
    • unlimited access to blood glucose meters to monitor blood glucose levels

    The diabetes in schools program has more information on exam preparations with links to state specific resources.

    Should you experience significant hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia that impacts your performance in any of these assessments it is possible to apply for a derived score in place of the exam result. Please note the tight timelines and forms that are required to be submitted to access this option. School input is required to support the application.

    Please refer to these pages on the VCAA website for more details and to make sure that you are aware of any updates to the rules and requirements for accessing these options for you. Your school should also be able to provide assistance to ensure that your VCE performance is not adversely impacted by diabetes related issues.

    Special examination arrangements
    Derived examination score

    We also recommend that students sitting VCE exams ask for a Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) form to be completed by your doctor. RCH patients can reqauest by emailing , request a "SEAS letter" with your name, date of birth, hospital UR number, name of school and your doctor's name. The form will be emailed within a couple of weeks. If you don't get it, please email again or call the office (9345 6661).