Early Childhood Intervention Services

About Early Childhood Intervention Services ECIS

  • Our mission: To provide knowledge, skills and support to families to optimise the development and participation of each child in their family and community.

    RCH ECIS is an Early Childhood Intervention Service supporting with disability and/or developmental delays aged from birth until school entry. We are a registered NDIS provider.

    Having a child with a disability or developmental delay can have a significant impact on both the child and their family.

    Evidence suggests that early intervention helps children with disabilities to better engage with their families and communities and improve their quality of life. We recognise that every family’s circumstances and needs are different and our experienced practitioners provide programs tailored uniquely to every situation.

    How do we work?

    Individualised supports

    Key Worker Model

    • Your family will be allocated a Key Worker from our team. Our team is made up of occupational therapists, speech pathologists, early childhood teachers and psychologists.
    • Your Key Worker will be the main contact person for your family. Your Key Worker will help you identify goals and strategies through assessment and goal setting.
    • Your Key Worker will support you to work towards achieving all of the goals that you have for your child. They will help you to implement therapeutic strategies into your daily routines and connect your family to other resources/services.
    • This model is built on evidence that families are more comfortable with one service provider, that a consistent point of contact and support enhances co-ordination, and that it is less stressful and confusing.

    While your Key Worker will be the primary contact, the whole team remains involved and your Key Worker reports back to the team constantly.

    Team consultations/intervention

    • Your family may also receive support (directly or indirectly) from other professionals in the team, depending on the goals identified and the level of expertise required.
    • Generally, this support is on a short-term basis (a block of up to 6 sessions). Your Key Worker will continue to support you on this goal.

    Group programs

    • RCH ECIS provide a range of group programs (for children and for caregivers)
    • See more about our group programs here

    Where do we work?

    • We work in your child's natural environments as much as possible – home, childcare, kindergarten or other community environment.
    • This is because children learn best in the places where they spend the most time, doing the things that they are interested in, with the people who matter to them the most.
      • We run some centre-based group services at our office in North Melbourne. 

      What can we help you with?  

      We will work with you to help your child become more independent and increase their participation in everyday life.

      Some areas that we can support you with:

      • Communication
      • Increasing independence in self-care skills – feeding, toileting, dressing 
      • Fussy eating
      • Behaviour management 
      • Motor skills - gross motor and fine motor 
      • Play - social skills, pretend play
      • Sleep 
      • Emotional regulation 
      • Parent education 
      • Accessing services in the community 
      • School transition


      Children aged between birth and school entry with an active Early Childhood Early Intervention NDIS plan. 

      Families must live within 20 minutes from our RCH ECIS office at The Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville to receive Key Worker or Team Consultation services.

      We welcome children living outside of this area to attend our Group Programs.

      To enquire further about our services, please contact us.