Registrars (2 positions- six months)
Appointed by the Regional Otolaryngology Training Committee.
Fellow (one position - twelve months commencing July 1st)
This position is appointed by the Otolaryngology Department, and
is intended for an overseas otolaryngologist who has completed
their training and wishes to pursue a career in the sub-specialty
of paediatric otolaryngology. Salary is approximately $88,587
per annum plus overtime and recall. Call is taken one day in
four during the week and one in five over the weekend. Five
weeks annual leave plus conference leave is provided.
The Fellow is responsible for supervising the clinical work
performed by the registrars, and carries out regular operating
lists, outpatient clinics, and management of emergencies. The
fellow will be exposed to the full range of paediatric
otolaryngology medical and surgical conditions. This includes
assessment and surgical management of airway disorders, complex ear
disorders including cochlear implantation, and sino-nasal tract
surgery. A considerable amount of time will be spent in
assessing children in the neonatal and paediatric intensive care
unit, and in the evaluation of children with syndromes and multiple
medical disorders. The fellow would be expected, upon
completion of the fellowship, to be in a position to practice as a
consultant paediatric otolaryngologist.
To apply, register your interest on the Careers page of the RCH