Join us for drop-in sessions
If you have any study-related questions, we can help during one of our drop-in sessions. No need to book, just drop by. Details below:
When: every Tuesday & Wednesday from 10:00am - 11:00am
Where: our office is located on Level 4, South Building.
What to expect: the team are here to discuss your study and answer questions.
Research Hub
Conducting clinical research can
be daunting. From concept to completion, there are numerous areas
to navigate. The ResearchHub brings together the Melbourne Children
Campus Partners - RCH, MCRI, UoM Department of Paediatrics - to answer your
questions in one place so you can get on with doing research on campus.
Children’s Campus enablers
Melbourne Children's Campus has enablers whose role it is to increase the capacity for high quality clinical research on campus. Research Ethics and Governance
(REG) works closely with the Clinical Research Development Office (CRDO) and
the Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) to provide education, training,
advice and guidance for researchers on the Campus. Please consult the CRDO and CEBU teams early
if you have an idea for a clinical research project.
Ethics Review Manager (ERM)
The Ethics Review Manager (ERM)
system is used for the submission of all new studies and for all post-approval
submissions such as amendments, and progress and safety reports. For more information, you can access the:
You can also email
the Victorian Coordinating Office for Clinical Trials and Research to register
for the Streamline eBulletin: They will notify you about regular ERM webinar sessions.
We are also happy to answer your ERM questions during our drop-in sessions. We hold our drop-in sessions every Wednesday and Friday from 10.30 - 11.30 am. Come to Level 4, South Building.
Ethics application resources