Feeding development and difficulties

Mealtime Environments

  • Feeding disorder green distortedFoods offered are not matched to developmental skills for feeding e.g.

    • Introducing solids too soon or too late.
    • Textures of food offered are based on age expectations rather stage of physical or oral motor development. 
    • Graded experiences to promote development are not provided. 

    Inadvertent use of strategies that reinforce the feeding difficulty e.g.

    • Preparation of separate meals when child refuses to eat family meal.
    • Use of distraction to feed child.
    • Use of coercion or force feeding.

    Lack of structure and mealtime routines e.g

    • Mealtimes are unpredictable and don’t provide repeat experiences for learning.
    • Child grazes all day – disrupting hunger and satiety cycles
    • Lack of exposure to appropriate foods.
    • Mealtime environment is distracting or unpleasant.

    Role models are not provided or are inappropriate e.g.

    • Parents don’t eat or express dislike for foods that they expect their child to eat.

    Lack of enjoyment at mealtimes e.g.

    • Mealtime environment is distracting or unpleasant causing decreased appetite or interest in eating.
    • Focus is on the type or amount of food eaten rather than social interactions and enjoyment. 
    • Typical variations in appetite are not recognized.
    • Use of force feeding, bribery and coercion. 
    • Need to meet goals for weight gain.
    • Medial management requires highly prescriptive dietary regimes e.g. inborn errors of metabolism.

    Parenting style e.g.

    • Authoritarian Parenting – over controlling.  Parents attempts to set the pace of feeding
    • Permissive Parenting - doesn’t set clear limits. May make extra allowance for child due to illness.

    Further reading:

    Ellyn Satter Institute