Who can help you if you've been sexually assaulted

  • Gatehouse

    If you have experienced sexual harm and you would like to speak with someone, you can contact Gatehouse Monday–Friday 9am–5pm on (03) 9345 6391. Our sexual assault workers can talk to you about:

    • Getting support from our service.
    • Telling the police about the sexual assault.
    • Your medical rights.

    Please note: We work with children and families who live in Brimbank, Melton, Moonee Valley, Maribyrnong, Melbourne, Hobsons Bay and Wyndham LGAs or are current patients at The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH). If you live in another area, find your local service on the Sexual Assault Services Victoria website.

    When you contact Gatehouse or another specialist sexual assault service you will:

    • Be believed.
    • Be treated with respect and understanding.
    • Be informed of your rights.
    • Get information.
    • Be in control of decision making.
    • Have privacy and confidentiality.

    What if I need to speak to someone but Gatehouse is closed?

    If you have experienced sexual harm and you would like to speak with someone, but it is at night (after 5pm), on a weekend or a public holiday, you can call the Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL) on 1800 806 292.


    You can choose to make a report to the police about being sexually assaulted. It is important to know that you don’t have to do this. We understand it can be hard to talk about.

    If you choose to report being sexually assaulted to the police, there is a ‘Police Code of Practice’ in place to ensure you feel safe and supported. The Police will then:

    • Take you to the RCH (or Monash Children's Hospital if closer) within two hours of the sexual assault – if you want to.
    • Give you time to rest and receive any medical attention you need before giving a report.
    • Provide you with information about rights and places to get help from.
    • Keep you updated on the progress of their investigation.
    • Provide you with written reasons why a decision is made not to proceed with legal action against the person you have accused if you ask for this.

  • Seeking support following sexual harm

    Call 000 if you are unsafe or in immediate danger

    Call or email Gatehouse
    (03) 9345 6391
    Email: gatehouse.centre@rch.org.au
    Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

    After-hours Sexual Assault Crisis Line
    1800 806 292