• Patient and family-centred care
    At The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH), delivery of health care is based on partnerships between patients, families and all those involved in their care. We recognise that young people heal best when their families are part of the team, and we're committed to this approach that's being embraced in paediatric facilities around the world. It is known as 'patient and family-centred care'. The key principles are:

    • Dignity and respect
    • Information sharing
    • Participation
    • Collaboration

    We are committed to protecting the privacy of our patients.  We are required by law to protect personal information and comply with the Health Records Act 2001 and other relevant legislation relating to confidentiality and privacy. For more information or a copy of our 'Privacy' brochure, please visit our website or contact Family Resources and Respite.

    RCH website

    Family Resources and Respite                   
    9345 4662

    Our staff
    During your stay at the RCH, you are likely to meet a number of different health professionals and support staff.   Nurses, doctors, administrative staff, therapists, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, teachers and others might play a part in the team that will be looking after you. The role of each staff member is different so please ask who they are if you are unsure.

    In the media
    Corporate Communications at the RCH manages all media contact for hospital staff, patients and their families. All media calls and visits must be directed to Corporate Communications. Please talk with our Corporate Communications staff before allowing media to visit your child in hospital.

    If your child becomes the subject of media interest, Corporate Communications is available to support and advise you if you choose to speak with the media, or will handle all media enquiries on your behalf.

    Media cannot come into the hospital without permission from Corporate Communications. No personal information about your child is released to the media without your consent.

    Corporate Communications       
    9345 5138

    A teaching hospital
    The RCH is a teaching hospital for doctors, nurses and allied health staff.  A student may ask to talk to you or your child or examine your child. We encourage parents to participate, however if you have any concerns, please say 'no' and speak with the nurse unit manager or your child's doctor. We also provide training for doctors from overseas. These doctors are qualified and are gaining more skills in the care of children.

    Our research
    Medical research is vital to identify new approaches to preventing, diagnosing and treating childhood diseases and to promoting the health and wellbeing of children. The RCH is one of the world's leading academic hospitals and has a long-standing and strong commitment to research. 

    We are co-located with campus partners, the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and The University of Melbourne. The partnership allows the sharing of staff, facilities, expertise and knowledge and means that research findings can be quickly translated into clinical practice.  Collaboration between scientists, researchers and doctors on laboratory, clinical and public health research projects has resulted in outstanding advances in child health. 

    Researchers are supported by funding from the Australian Government and state governments, corporate sponsors and philanthropic organisations, as well as from fundraising programs facilitated by The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation and Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.

    How you can get involved in research
    The strength of research on our campus depends on children and parents/carers participation in research. Whilst your child is at the hospital, you and your child may be approached about your child taking part in research. Your child's contribution could help to provide better care both for your child and for other children in the future.     

    Involvement in research may involve filling in questionnaires or surveys, trialling a different medication or treatment, or undergoing extra tests or procedures.  All research projects on the campus undergo an ethical review before being approved. Before agreeing to allow your child to take part in a research project, be sure both you and your child understand what is involved and ask questions about the project. 

    There is no financial cost to you associated with taking part in research and there is no obligation for your child to take part in research. If you decide you'd rather your child didn't take part it won't affect your relationship with the RCH and your child will continue to receive high quality care.

    If you have any questions or concerns about our research, please contact the Director, Research Development and Ethics.

    9345 6924
