Procedures Under Sedation (Specialist Clinics)
Pre-Referral Guidelines
Initial Work-up
non-sedative techniques to be tried prior to referral:
- Use of topical
- Distraction tools
& techniques
- A paediatric specialist
phlebotomy service
When to refer
- If all non-sedative alternative
options have been explored
- Community management
has not adequately addressed the child/ family goals
- There is no closer
public hospital with paediatric services that the child is known too
- The referrer has
completed an initial medical assessment including details required for referral
- The referral criteria
below have been met
Eligibility Criteria:
- Age range - > 2
years – < 18 years
- Reason for referral
includes at least one of the following:
- Increased anxiety
associated with regular blood tests / injections
- Previous traumatic
and/or unsuccessful attempts despite adjunct support
- Neurodevelopmental
Disorder(s) predisposing to procedure-related trauma
Exclusion Criteria:
- Chronic respiratory
problems including OSA
- Abnormal airway/jaw
- Significant cardiac
Referral Information must include:
- Reason for sedation
- Test(s) required – (please include pathology slips
for all tests requested)
- Previous medical history including:
- Underlying diagnosis
- Weight
- Baseline observations (HR & blood pressure)
- Allergies
- Current medication
- Details of previous venipuncture attempts
- Details of previous sedation attempts
The additional information form to be included with the RCH referral to Specialist Clinics can be found here
RCH Specialist clinic Referral form (pdf)
resources can help children and families to understand what to expect when
coming to the hospital for a procedure under sedation.
- Kids Health
information – Parent information fact sheets & videos
Health Information: Reducing your child's discomfort during procedures
web-based resources developed specifically to empower children and families
with pain management strategies, skills, and support.
References and more reading
PG09(G) Guideline on procedural sedation 2022
ISupport -
International collaborative rights-based standards to Support Paediatric
Patients during clinical Procedures by Reducing harm and establishing Trust.
Owner: Specialist Clinic Nurse Unit Manager
- Guideline
first published - July 2023
Guideline next review date -
July 2025