The vestibular system is the part of the body
that is responsible for balance. It is located in the inner ear.
Vestibular dysfunction can cause symptoms such as dizziness and
vertigo. These can be treated by vestibular rehabilitation.
What is it?
There are three main types of vestibular problems
that children may develop following trauma to the head:
Unilateral vestibular dysfunction
Symptoms may include balance problems,
dizziness or a spinning sensation.
Bilateral vestibular dysfunction
This occurs when both sides of the vestibular
system are affected. Symptoms are similar to unilateral
dysfunction but may also include the illusion that objects are
moving or bouncing when the person moves their head.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
This condition occurs when tiny crystals
within the inner ear become dislodged, usually due to trauma to the
head. These crystals float within the balance canals and cause a
spinning sensation whenever the person moves their head in certain
What are the symptoms?
You may suspect that there is a vestibular
problem if there are symptoms of:
- dizziness
- vertigo
- a spinning sensation
- the sensation that objects are bouncing or
sliding around in your field of vision with certain head
How is it diagnosed?
There are a number of specialised tests
required to diagnose a vestibular dysfunction. Your child's GP or
physiotherapist may detect that a vestibular problem is present and
will refer you to one of the specialist vestibular rehabilitation
centres for further investigation.
What is the treatment?
Unilateral and bilateral vestibular
dysfunction are treated by vestibular rehabilitation. This is
usually undertaken by a physiotherapist. It consists of an exercise
program, developed for the patient, that helps them to compensate
for the dysfunction in the vestibular system. The program may
include balance exercises, exercises to help coordinate the
reflexes that control eye movement and practice of functional
activities such as walking and bending.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
can often be treated in a single session by a head-positioning
manoeuvre. This can be performed by a physician or physiotherapist
who is trained in the procedure. It takes approximately half an
hour and is not painful for the patient, although it does provoke
some dizziness. One treatment is usually all that is required.
Key points to remember
- Vestibular problems can develop after a brain injury.
- If your child experiences dizziness, vertigo, a spinning
sensation or the sensation that objects are bouncing or sliding
around in their field of vision with certain head
movements, this may indicate there is a vestibular
problem and you should consult your doctor.
- Vestibular dysfunction can be treated by vestibular
More information
Developed by The Royal Children's Hospital Paediatric
Rehabilitation Service. We acknowledge the input of RCH consumers and carers.
Reviewed August 2020.
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