Common questions our doctors are asked
How can I tell if it's a bruise or a congenital dermal melanocytosis?
Congenital dermal melanocytosis and bruises do look very similar, and
the birthmarks are often mistaken for bruises. However, they are different in a
few ways. Bruises change colour, size and shape over the course of just a few
days, while congenital dermal melanocytosis stay the same for many years. Also, congenital dermal melanocytosis are not painful when touched. Congenital dermal melanocytosis are present from
What can I do if my child's congenital dermal melanocytosis is very
prominent and is causing them embarrassment? Is laser treatment an option?
We do not recommend any treatment for congenital dermal melanocytosis, as it is unnecessary because the birthmarks will fade over time on
their own. Treatment, such as laser therapy, may cause side effects, including
infection and scarring.