Common questions we are asked
Are hazardous medicines dangerous?
All medicines can have side effects, your doctor will discuss how the medicine will help your child and the side effects that may happen.
Hazardous medicines also have a small risk of side effects for the person giving the medicine, especially if they give the medicine often and for a long time.
What if I am pregnant or planning a pregnancy and I need
to give my child a hazardous medicine?
Speak to your doctor or pharmacist for more information. They may recommend extra protection when giving some medicines.
Why is my child’s medicine hazardous now, it was not
hazardous before?
Information about medicines is being updated all the time and sometimes the advice can change.
How do I know if my child is taking a hazardous medicine?
Your doctor, pharmacist or nurse may tell you to take care with handling the medicine. Sometimes medicines have a special label like the one shown below.