Key points
- Your child will need to stop eating and drinking before surgery; this is called fasting.
- It is important to follow the fasting instructions, or your child's surgery may be delayed or rescheduled.
- If your child is having surgery at The Royal Children's Hospital, you can give them breastmilk up to three hours before their procedure and formula up to four hours before their procedure.
- You can give your child clear liquids like water, clear juice and cordial until the hospital staff tell you to stop.
- Your child cannot eat any food or drink milk (except breast milk or formula) for at least six hours before surgery. This includes all food, lollies and regular dairy milk.
- If you have any questions about the fasting instructions for your child, speak to your child's doctor or treating hospital.
What is fasting?
Fasting is the act of not eating or drinking anything.
If your child is having surgery, they will need to fast for a certain amount of time before their procedure.
Fasting before surgery
Why does my child need to fast?
Fasting before surgery is important because the medicine that puts your child to sleep during surgery can be dangerous if there is food or liquid in their stomach. The medicine reduces their cough and gag reflexes, so if they have any food or drinks in their stomach, they risk breathing them into the lungs and getting pneumonia.
When should my child start fasting?
Your medical team will tell you the exact time your child needs to stop eating and drinking before their surgery.
An anaesthetist is a doctor who ensures your child stays safe during surgery. They give your child medicine to help them fall asleep and feel comfortable during the procedure.
Talk to your child's doctor or anaesthetist if you have any questions or worries.
Fasting guidelines for children and young people
There are different fasting guidelines for solids and milk products, including breastmilk. This is because food and milk take longer to digest than clear liquids.
Here are The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) fasting guidelines:
- Breastmilk: You can give your child breast milk up to three hours before surgery.
- Formula (infant or toddler): You can give your child formula up to four hours before surgery.
- Clear liquids: You can give your child clear liquids until they go in for surgery. Water, clear juice and cordial are all clear liquids. The staff will tell you when to stop.
- No food or milk: Stop giving your child food and milk at least six hours before surgery. This includes all food, lollies and milk (including dairy and nut milks).
If your child is having surgery at the RCH, you must follow these rules. Otherwise, their surgery may be delayed or rescheduled to another date.
Clear liquids
Clear liquids are see-through. You can hold them up to the light and look through them.
Some examples are:
- Water
- Clear fruit juice (like apple or blackcurrant juice, but NOT orange juice)
- Clear soft drinks
- Cordial
- Glucose or sugar water
Please note: Clear liquids do not include drinks with chunks or bits (like orange juice pulp, milk, or milk-based drinks) or jelly. Breastmilk is also not a clear liquid.
If you have any questions or are confused about the fasting instructions, contact your child’s doctor or treating hospital.
Your child should take their regular medicine on the day of surgery unless their doctor says not to. They should take any medicines with clear liquid like water.
If your child takes blood thinners (like aspirin) or medicine for diabetes (like insulin), ask their doctor about how to manage these medicines at least two weeks before surgery.
Emergency surgery
For emergency surgeries, the anaesthetist will tell you when your child should stop eating and drinking because things can be different in these cases.
Food and drink after surgery
After surgery, your child will get fluids through a drip in their arm (intravenous or IV cannula) until they can start drinking again.
Your child’s medical team will tell you when they can start eating and drinking again. Most children start with clear liquids and, if they feel okay, move on to a light diet.
It is normal for your child’s bowel to slow down after surgery. If their bowel movements (poos) do not seem normal a few days after surgery, speak to your child’s doctor.
Common questions about fasting for surgery
Why are lollies and mints not allowed while my child is fasting?
Lollies and mints can cause your child to make and swallow lots of saliva and increase stomach fluids. It is unsafe because these fluids are acidic; if your child breathes them in during surgery, the acid can damage their lungs.
Are foods like jelly and icy poles considered clear liquids?
Most icy poles are made of frozen clear liquids, but it is best to check with a doctor or nurse before giving one to your child. Milky ice creams on sticks are not clear liquids. Jelly is made from protein (gelatin). It is not a clear liquid and will stay in the stomach for a few hours.
Which clear liquid is best for my child to drink before their surgery? Should I give them water instead of sugary drinks?
Water is always the best choice for your child before surgery. However, clear fruit juice or cordial can prevent low blood sugar and make your child feel less hungry while they fast. If your child does not want water, you could try giving them water with some sugar in it.
Your medical team may give your child a drink like cordial or juice before surgery to help hide the taste of medicine.
Can my child brush their teeth when fasting for surgery?
Your child can brush their teeth even when fasting, but they cannot swallow any toothpaste. If you not sure whether they can brush without swallowing anything, it is better not to brush.
For more information
Call an ambulance (000) immediately in an emergency.
Developed by The Royal Children’s Hospital Anaesthesia and Pain Management department. We acknowledge the input of RCH consumers and carers.
Reviewed March 2025
Please always seek the most recent advice from a registered and practising clinician.