What to expect
A small amount of bleeding is common during the first few days. Temporary swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose will increase at first and peak after two or three days. Most swelling and bruising should disappear within two weeks. Some subtle
swelling will remain for several months. Because of the swelling there may be some discomfort with breathing and the nose may seem "stuffed up" for several weeks. Drink plenty of liquids and keep lips moist with vaseline, lip balm, etc. The nose will
continue to improve in appearance for many months. Final results may not be seen for one year or more.
Pain control
Give paracetamol and ibuprofen as required for pain (available from pharmacies without prescription). Avoid aspirin.
Do not blow your nose for two weeks. Do not insert any objects in the nose. Keep head elevated as much as possible. Avoid strenuous activities to prevent trauma to the nose.
Scar management
Avoid exposing scars to sun for at least 24 months. Always use a strong sunscreen if sun exposure is unavoidable. Scar massage with aqueous based moisturizer after the wound is healed (usually 3-4 weeks post-surgery) can help to soften the scar.
Seek medical attention in the event of:
o Increasing pain or severe pain not relieved by medication
o Persistent fever
o General unwellness
o Yellow or green wound discharge or increasing redness around the incision lines
o Persistent or prolonged nose bleeding
Follow up
Your follow up appointment will be at one of the following:
o Plastic Surgery Outpatients (Registrar Clinic), Blue Desk, Ground Floor Royal Children's Hospital (morning appointment)
o Consultant Clinic
o Consultant Private Rooms
o Local doctor
If you are unable to keep your appointment please call to reschedule.
If you have any concerns contact:
Pru Talbot, Clinical Nurse coordinator - 9345 6595
Plastic & Maxillofacial Surgery Office - 9345 6583
Outpatient appointments - 9345 6180
Plastic Surgery Resident or Registrar - via switchboard on 9345 5522
Call an ambulance (000) immediately in an emergency.
Developed by The Royal Children's Hospital Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery department. We acknowledge the input of RCH consumers and carers.
Reviewed November 2015.
This information is awaiting routine review. Please always seek the most recent advice from a registered and practising clinician.