A spinal anaesthetic (sometimes called a spinal for short) is when medicine is injected with a small needle into the fluid around the spinal cord which makes the nerves go numb. After this, your baby cannot feel anything from the waist to the toes for
the next one to two hours. The medicine does not go into the actual spinal cord.
Spinal anaesthetics are commonly used by women having a baby by caesarean section and by older people having surgery. During the operation your baby will be awake and have a dummy dipped in sugar solution to suck. Many babies feel so warm and comfortable
that they fall asleep.
Why should my baby have a spinal
Your anaesthetist may choose to give a spinal anaesthetic to babies born early (premature or prem babies) in preference to a general anaesthetic (GA). A GA can affect their breathing, in particular, make it more likely to have breath holding episodes
or apnoea’s. Babies having a spinal anaesthetic are less likely to have apnoea’s.
Your baby may still need a
general anaesthetic if:
There is an infection, or
your baby has bleeding problems.
The spinal anaesthetic
does not work as well as it should.
The surgery takes longer
or is more complicated than expected.
Whether your baby has a
spinal or general anaesthetic, nurses and doctors watch them carefully in
case there are any complications.
For and against
spinal anaesthetic
At The Royal Children's Hospital there are more than 300 hernia repair operations done every year in babies less than one month old. Many of these are done with a spinal anaesthetic.
There may be less chance of having irregular breathing patterns after surgery with a spinal anaesthetic. There are other benefits as well:
The spinal block stops your baby feeling pain after the operation for up to 2 hours
- Because they are not sedated, babies are more awake after surgery
- Most babies can feed soon after having surgery because they are awake.
- Modern anaesthesia is very safe, and it is rare to have complications.

Common side
Rare side
Nerve damage. This is a very rare complication of spinal anaesthesia. Some loss of feeling may last for a few weeks, but it almost always improves.
- Infection at the place of the injection. Extremely rarely, the spinal injection may be associated with meningitis if the surgery is done when the child is already unwell.
After the operation
See a doctor if your
If your baby has any of
the following within 48 hours (two days) after their
- Has a temperature of 38ºC or higher. Mild fever after surgery is common but should be less than 37.5ºC.
- Cries constantly or you cannot settle them.
- Seems to have no energy (lethargic).
- Is not moving their legs normally
- If it is difficult to interact with them - i.e., you cannot get their attention.
- If it is difficult to wake them or they cannot stop crying (inconsolable).
- Keeps vomiting or will not feed.
- Seems to have pain that does not get better with pain medicine.
- Has a lot of redness or swelling around the wound (contact the surgeon) or around the area of the injection (contact the anaesthetist).
- Has any other symptoms causing you concern.
- Stitches are dissolvable so they do not need to be removed.
- Your baby will need a follow-up appointment in about seven to 10 days after the operation to check the wound has healed well. This could be with the surgeon, your family GP or paediatrician, depending on where you live and how convenient it is for
you to return to the RCH.
- A nurse or doctor will discuss this with you before you leave the hospital.
- If you have any concerns before the appointment, see your family doctor or paediatrician first. They will call the hospital if necessary.
Key points to remember
A spinal anaesthetic is often used in preference to a general anaesthetic in very premature babies.
- Spinal anaesthesia is usually used for repair of hernias. Baby hernias are very common in very premature babies.
- If you have any concerns in the first two days after the operation, call The Royal Children's Hospital on (03) 9345 5522.
- If you have any concerns several days after the operation, see your family GP or paediatrician who can call the hospital if necessary.
The Royal Children's
T: (03) 9345 5522 (switchboard)
Ask to speak to the surgical fellow on
If you cannot speak to
them, ask for the anaesthetist registrar on
If you are very
concerned, take your child to your nearest hospital or
RCH Emergency Department.
For more information
Individual information
Your surgeon is:
Your anaesthetist
is: ____________________________________
Call an ambulance (000) immediately in an emergency.
Developed by The Royal Children's Hospital Anaesthesia and Pain Management department. We acknowledge the input of RCH consumers and carers.
Reviewed February 2023.
This information is awaiting routine review. Please always seek the most recent advice from a registered and practising clinician.