The Melbourne Assessment 2


  • The authors would like to acknowledge the vision of the original group of Melbourne- based clinicians who sought to construct a measure of quality of upper limb movement for children with cerebral palsy, and the children, families and staff who made possible the development of the original Melbourne Assessment. Revision and further extension of the original tool was only made possible with the valuable assistance of:

    • Professor Leeanne Carey, Dr. Christine Imms and Associate Professor Julie Pallant who supervised Melinda Randall's PhD studies on the Melbourne Assessment
    • Margaret Wallen, Helen Bourke-Taylor, Josie Duncan, Cathy Elliot and Siobhan Reid who, along with their respective collaborators, graciously shared de-identified copies of Melbourne Assessment data for undertaking Rasch Analysis
    • the Staff, children and families of the Child Care Centre, and Departments of Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Developmental Medicine at The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne without who it would not have been possible to extend the tool for use with younger children

    The research undertaken to develop The Melbourne Assessment 2 was supported by grants from The Royal Children's Hospital (Clinical Award), Faculty Health Sciences, La Trobe University (Postgraduate Award) and the Australian Association of Occupational Therapists (Research Award). Production of The Melbourne Assessment 2 was supported by a grant from the Lynne Quayle Charitable Trust Fund and the William Henry Pawsey Estate as administered by Equity Trustees Limited.