In this section
Step 1: Speak with someone who knows your child well like your GP, Paediatrician (if you have one) or maternal and child health nurse. They may be able to help you think about NDIS eligibility and supports.
Don’t worry if you don’t have someone that knows your child well, you can speak with your local area coordinator directly.
Step 2: Contact your Local Area Coordinator (LAC). To find your LAC, you can go to Offices and contacts in your area | NDIS
You can also talk to the NDIS by phone 1800 800 110 or email If you need an interpreter, you can call TIS National direct on 131450 and ask to speak to NDIS.
You will need to submit an application NDIS Access Request Form (PDF 1MB) with supporting evidence. Your LAC can guide you through this process and may direct you to seek relevant reports or assessments to support your application.