Nursing Clinical Practice Committee

  • Purpose

    • Provide a forum to motivate and encourage nurses at the RCH to participate in the;
      • Development of clinical nursing practice 
      • Improvement of clinical nursing practice
      • Innovation of clinical nursing practice
      • Implementation of clinical nursing practice
    • Evaluation of clinical nursing practice
    • To provide support, receive recommendations and act as an advisory body regarding issues relating to clinical nursing practice  
    • To enable nurses to critically review current practices.


    • To provide an opportunity for nurses to identify areas of clinical practice needing improvement, change or development
    • To enable nurses to identify areas for improvement in their own existing clinical practices
    • To promote and develop a culture of critical enquiry, ensuring best outcomes
    • To challenge current clinical practices and support change through collaboration with CPC, Quality Improvement Department commit and the Nursing Research Committee (RICHES) and Education and Life Long Learning Committee 
    • To provide the tools and support to enable nurses to advance their own practices and the clinical practice of others
    • To ensure nursing clinical practices within the RCH are current, appropriate and are evidence based best practice
    • To oversee and support the development and implementation of nursing clinical guidelines and standards ensuring alignment with the RCH clinical guidelines
    • To ensure clinical guidelines and standards are developed in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams, children and families
    • To present recommendations to the Nursing Council
    • To establish working parties as necessary for specific tasks to be achieved.

    Minutes of meetings

    To find out more about the nursing evidence based practice committee please contact the chair: Lauren Coleman