Nursing Workforce Planning Committee

  • Purpose

    • To provide strategic leadership and direction for the planning of the Nursing Workforce
    • To develop strategies for improving Nursing attraction and retention
    • To provide a forum for discussion and critical debate about Nurse Workforce Planning at RCH 
    • To measure, monitor and evaluate the impact of local and international trends related to attracting and retaining Nurses at the RCH


    • Facilitate, develop and implement the RCH Nursing Workforce Plan as a component of the RCH Workforce Plan 
    • Establishment and implementation of an agreed project/action plan, which outlines key tasks / activities, priorities, responsibilities;
    • Review and endorsement of outputs and deliverables;
    • To monitor key performance indicators and trended data relating to the Nursing Workforce 
    • Monitor the ongoing status of RN supply and demand.
    • Develop short and long term strategies for the recruitment and retention of nurses 
    • Maintain knowledge of contemporary global issues relating to the nursing workforce and their potential impact on paediatric and sub specialty nursing
    • Undertake systematic forward-looking assessments of the organisational direction, workload and capability requirements, 
    • To forecast staffing requirements to meet the anticipated workloads, and 
    • Establish a linking of staffing policy from recruitment to retirement which is designed to achieve the desired workforce profile.

    Minutes of meetings

    To find out more about the nursing workforce planning committee please contact the chair: Jayne Hughan