In this section
A wide variety of problems can occur in children, from newborns to young adults. Conditions not managed by other programs are treated by the General Paediatric Plastic Surgery Program. Some are emergency cases and these are seen first in the Emergency Department. Other conditions such as scars, birthmarks, lumps, prominent ears or ears of unusual appearance, breast development in boys and breast asymmetry or hypertrophy in girls can be seen at a consultant clinic.
The waiting list for clinics can be long. If you believe the patient needs to be seen urgently please note this on the referral form or contact the on-call plastic surgery unit registrar.
There is little point in seeing children with prominent ears before the age of five. For numerous reasons most surgeons will not operate until after this age. One exception is prominent or deformed ears in newborns. Sometimes splinting these ears can reduce long- term deformity and the need for surgery. One product is easily found on a web search and available in Australia.
In general we will not place young adults on the waiting list if they are older than 17.5 years. An exception is made for some referrals from other units and for patients in other programs where surgery after this age will complete their treatment course.