Associate Professor Nicky Kilpatrick
has been a specialist paediatric dentist for over 20 years and completed her
training, including her PhD, in the United Kingdom. She has a particular interest in the impact
of oral health on children with additional medical, intellectual and
oral/craniofacial conditions.
As Clinical Lead of the Cleft Program in the Plastic and Maxillofacial unit, Nicky leads a
multidisciplinary team of clinicians providing high quality clinical care for
children born with clefts of the lip and palate at the RCH. She remains
research active, leading several projects bringing together a wide range of
expertise from basic science and genetics to clinical and public health
research to improve understanding of both the cause and effects of orofacial
clefting She is a member of the American Cleft Palate Association and the
Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland and is currently involved in
establishing an international consortium to improve understanding of and
outcomes for infants born with Robin Sequence.
BDS: 1985
University of Birmingham
PhD: 1993
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1989 Royal College of Physician and Surgeons Glasgow
(Paeds): 2007 Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons
Current Appointments
Clinical Lead, Cleft Program - Royal Children’s Hospital
Senior Research Fellow - Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Associate Professor - Department of Paediatrics, University
of Melbourne