Possum Ward Staff

Bedside nurse
A team of approximately 65 Registered Nurses have the responsibility of providing child focused and family centered care to children while they are an inpatient on the Possum Ward.
The three nursing shifts on the Possum Ward are:
- 0700 - 1530
- 1530 - 2200
- 2100 - 0730
Your child will be allocated a specific nurse for each shift. This nurse is responsible for planning, coordinating and providing your child’s care. Your child’s nurse will introduce themselves at the beginning of each shift and encourage you to participate in the planning and implementation of your child’s daily care. However, as the ward practices a team nursing approach when appropriate, you may encounter several nurses throughout each shift assisting in your child’s care. You can call on any of these nurses for assistance by pressing the call button on the remote control in your room. A nurse will come as soon as possible. Please speak to a nurse immediately if you are concerned about your child.
Nurse Unit Manager (NUM)
It is the NUM’s role to manage the ward. This includes the day-to-day running of the ward, the human resource management of staff, managing the ward budget, managing OH&S and infection control practices and maintaining the quality of care the ward provides. The NUM also maintains relationships with clinical and non-clinical areas to ensure a positive working environment. It is also the NUM’s responsibility to address concerns or issues from patients and their families when the allocated nurse and AUM have been unable to do so. The Nurse Unit Manager is available to discuss any issues you may have Monday to Friday.
Our NUM is:
Associate Unit Manager (AUM)
The AUM is also referred to as the ‘nurse in charge’. Each shift has a new AUM that will co-ordinate admissions, discharges and transfers. Although the AUM does not have their own allocated patients, unless it is a night shift, they are responsible for all patients on the ward. The AUM also offers clinical leadership and support to the nurses caring for patients. If you have concerns or questions your allocated nurses has not been able to assist with, please feel free to request to speak the AUM.
Our AUM’s are:
- Melissa
- Hannah
- Melissa
- Jo
- Bec
- Claire
- Malissa
- Monika
Clinical Support Nurse (CSN)
Also known as educators, clinical support nurses are responsible for the clinical support of nursing staff. They assist nurses on the ward, while ensure nursing staff remain educated on current nursing practices. They also ensure nurses practice in an evidence-based way and liaise with the entire nursing and multi-disciplinary team to provide support and guidance at the bedside.
Our CSN is:
Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS)
A CNS is a clinical expert in an area of nursing. They accepts responsibility for professional activities that support service delivery and the professional development of self and others. They have developed and continued to maintain a higher level of clinical knowledge, skills, abilities and attributes.
Our CNS are:
- Hannah
- Malissa
- Erin
- Ebony
- Nicole
- Nuria
A team of doctors will manage your child’s medical care and will be responsible for all treatments and investigations. Each patient will be under the care of a consultant who is a qualified paediatrician and/or a specialist in their field.
Each consultant will have a registrar and a resident working alongside them. Both are qualified doctors who are completing further training. The registrar and resident will see your child most often and will complete physical assessments and order medications and tests.
Fellows are doctors who have completed a number of years as a registrar and are soon to become a consultant.
The doctors will visit once or twice a day during ward round, and they will review and assess your child’s condition and discuss plans for care or discharge. Ask your child’s nurse if you wish to speak to a doctor at any other time.
Allied health
One or more of the following allied health staff may visit to support your child’s treatment and recovery:
Movement specialists who assess, diagnose and treat children to facilitate recovery and assist function. Physiotherapists helps to promote full participation in daily activities through physical therapy and health education.
Occupational Therapist
Occupational therapists are specialists in children’s daily occupation of play, self-care and productivity in their school and work tasks. They assist patients in their transition from hospital to home, community and school environment.
Social Workers
Professionally trained staff who support children and their families when illness impacts on family life. Social work services are free, confidential and available to all. Social workers offer counselling and assistance when dealing with a child’s illness, and support families in crisis. They can assist when communicating with medical staff and act as advocates for patients and their families. Social workers facilitate connections to community resources and provide education on family issues and child health.
Child Life Therapist
Child life therapists child development experts who ensure that life remains as normal as possible across the hospital environment for children and young people. The Child Life Therapy team provide individualised support to children and young people to promote effective coping in the following ways:
- Developmental play opportunities
- Medical play
- Procedural support
- Preparation for procedures (including surgery, imaging and pathology)
- Development of coping strategies (comfort positioning, breathing techniques, cognitive distraction)
Ward Clerk
A ward clerk’s role is to provide direction and assist with any queries you may have. They have a great deal of knowledge about the hospital and life on the ward and are happy to assist patients and families. No question is too small or too silly. If you ask a question they don’t know the answer to, they will find someone who can help. They do a lot of the day-day administration of the ward, including keeping your child’s records up to date. Please let the ward clerk know if any of your personal information changes.
Our Ward Clerks are:
Ward Support Services:
A Ward Support Services (WSA) role is to assist with the daily cleaning of the wards and facilities. Please let them know if your room needs attending to or any other facilities needing attention.
Our WSA's are:
The RCH’s team of dedicated volunteers support and assist nursing staff by spending time with patients whose or carers are absent, making the patients stay at the RCH as comfortable as possible. Volunteers are a wonderful resource for learning about activities happening around the hospital or services that may be useful to you. Please speak to your ward clerk if you would like a volunteer to visit and support you or your child during your stay.