This website is made available for use mainly by health
professionals in the field of paediatric palliative care, and the
information contained within this site has been developed by
reference to the available literature in the field of paediatric
palliative care.
The expertise of relevant staff members within the Royal
Children's Hospital, Melbourne has also been used where possible.
The information presented here does not however necessarily
represent the views of all the clinicians in the Royal Children's
The recommendations contained in these guidelines do not
indicate an exclusive course of action, or serve as a standard of
medical care. Variations, taking individual circumstances into
account, may be appropriate.
The authors of these guidelines have made considerable efforts
to ensure the information upon which they are based is accurate and
up to date. Users of these guidelines are strongly recommended to
confirm that the information contained within them, especially drug
doses, is correct by way of independent sources. The authors accept
no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as
misleading, or the success of any treatment regimen detailed in the
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no reliance should be made by any user on the material, but
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