Recent Publications for Dr John Massie

    1. John MassieSweat testing for cystic fibrosis: how good is your laboratory? J Paediatr Child Health 2005(in press)
    2. John Massie.Cough in children: when does it matter? Paed Resp Reviews. 2005 (in press)
    3. John Massie, Lisette Curnow, Nick Tsanakos, Ivan Francis, Colin Robertson. Markedly elevated neonatal immunoreactive trypsinogen levels in the absence of cystic fibrosis gene mutations is not an indication for further testing. Arch Dis Child (in press)
    4. Ava Mishra, Ronda Greaves,John Massie. Sweat testing for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in the genomic era: is it still relevant? Clin Biochem Rev 2005; 26:135-153
    5. John Massie, Martin Delatycki, Agnes Bankier. Community screening for cystic fibrosis: why are we still waiting? Med J Aust 2005; 183(10):501-502
    6. A Michelle Fink, Brian Edis, John Massie The CT appearances of delayed amniotic fluid clearance from the lungs in a patient with absent pulmonary valve and congenital lobar emphysema.Pediatric Radiology  2005; 35(9):891-894
    7. A Griffiths, J Massie, M South. Double aortic arch presenting as bronchiolitis in a two week-old infant: clues from the ventilator. J of Paediatr Child Health 2005; 41:277-279
    8. Amanda L. Griffiths, Kris Jamsen, John B. Carlin, Keith Grimwood, Rosemary Carzino, Philip J. Robinson, John Massie and David S. Armstrong.  Effects of segregation upon an epidemic pseudomonas aeruginosa strain in a cystic fibrosis clinic. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2005; 171:1020-1025
    9. John Massie, Barry Clements and the APRG. The diagnosis of cystic fibrosis after newborn screening: 20 years and 5 million babies later. A consensus study from the Australasian Paediatric Respiratory Group. Pediatric Pulmonology 2005 39:392-401
    10. Cicero Torres,John Massie, Andy Bush, Simone Mendelstrom. Pulmonary Capillary Haemangiomatosis In A Premature Infant. Pediatric Radiology 2005; 35:635-640
    11. S Altunaiji, R Kukuruzovic, N Curtis, J Massie. Antibiotics for whooping cough (Cochrane Review) Cochrane Library Issue 3 2004. Oxford: Update Software
    12.  E Elliot, P McIntyre, A Morris, G Ridley, J Massie, J McEniery, G Knight. Vaccination status and source of infection in infants hospitalised with pertussis in the acellular vaccine era. Pediatr Inf Dis J 2004;23:246-252
    13. J Massie, D Efron. B Cerritelli, M South, C Powell, M Haby, E Gilbert, S Vidmar, J Carlin, C Robertson. Implementation of evidenced-based guidelines for paediatric asthma management in a teaching hospital. Arch Dis Child 2004; 89:660-664
    14. R Chigurupati,J Massie, P Dargaville, A Heggie Internal mandibular distraction to relieve airway obstruction in infants and young children with micrognathia. Pediatric Pulmonology 2004;37:230-235
    15. R.J.H.Massie.  Exercise Induced Asthma in Children. New Ethicals 2003;5(1) 47-57
    16. L Curnow, J Massie, R Savarirayan. Genetic Counselling after carrier detection by newborn screening when one parent carriesDF508 and the other R117H. Arch Dis Child 2003;88:886-888
    17. R.J.H.Massie.  Exercise Induced Asthma in Children. Paediatric Drugs 2002;4(4):267-278
    18. RJH Massie, N Poplawski, J Goldblatt, C Byrnes, B Wilcken, C Robertson. Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in Individuals with the Cystic Fibrosis Mutations R117H and R117C: Influence of the Intron 8 Polythymidine Sequence. European Respiratory Journal 2001; 17:1195-1200
    19. R.J.H.Massie, B. Wilcken, P.P. Van Asperen, M Gruca, S. Dorney, V Wiley, K.J.Gaskin. Pancreatic function and extended mutation analysis inDF508 heterozygous with an elevated immunoreactive trypsinogen but normal sweat electrolytes. Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 137:214-221
    20. R.J.H.Massie, D du Sart, J.Carlin, K Forshaw, S Forrest. The relationship between neonatal immunoreactive trypsinogen,DF508 and IVS8-5T. Journal of Medical Genetics 2000; 37:629-632.
    21. J Barben, A Kemp, RB Berkovitz, RJ Massie. Bronchogranuloma: where is the foreign body? International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2000; 53:215-219
    22. R.J Massie, M.Olsen, J.Glazner, C.F.Robertson, I.Francis. Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis in Victoria: 1989-1998. Medical Journal of Australia   2000; 172:584-588
    23. R.J.H. Massie, K.J. Gaskin, P.P. Van Asperen, B. Wilcken. Sweat testing following newborn screening for cystic fibrosis. Pediatic Pulmonology2000; 29:452-456
    24. R.J.H.Massie. C.F. Robertson. R.Berkovitz. The long term outcome of surgically treated acquired subglottic stenosis in infancy.Pediatic Pulmonology 2000; 30:125-130.


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