CCC Biobank

Test Name
CCC Biobank
Test Code
Specimen Type

* Whole Blood- EDTA: Peripheral blood 5mL (<40KG) or 12mL (>40kg)
* Bone Marrow
* Fluid

* CSF - plain sterile tube 1-2mL

* Skin Biopsy

* Fresh Tissue

Laboratory Notes:

Whole Blood, Fluid, CSF, Skin Biopsies and Fresh Tissue - Specimen Reception: Contact Children's Cancer Centre (CCC) Biobank to collect specimen.  Leave specimen at room temperature until collection by CCC Biobank Co-ordinator / Scientist. If a sample has not been collected 30 minutes after page was sent - page the relevant number again. 

Routine hours (Mon-Fri,  09:00am-5:00pm) - Page 6048

After Hours (after 5:00pm Mon-Fri; before 09:00am Mon-Fri), all day Saturday, Sunday or Public Holidays: Page 6578 CCC Biobank on-call scientist

Routine hours contact number: 9936 6048 (preferred contact is via pager)

NB: Peripheral Blood - Do not register/enter into Medipath - research test only

Bone Marrow - Specimen Reception  please give entire specimens directly to Cell Therapy for distribution.

Assay Performed
Aldosterone/Renin Ratio (ARR)