Factor IX Gentoype

Test Name
Factor IX Gentoype
Test Code
Specimen Type

EDTA (must be sterile) whole blood

Minimum Volume
5mL Adult, 2mL Child

This test can only be performed following counselling and referral from a genetics or haemophilia clinic. The laboratory requires a detailed family history, gene test results from other family members, if available, and formal consent before testing can proceed. Also known as Heamophilia B gene test, DNA Testing for Haemophilia. Lab Notes Whole blood - DO NOT centrifuge, DO NOT freeze. If haemophilia screening is requested do not register for this test - see Factor VIII and/or Factor IX.

MBS item number
Assay Performed
THMRL (Thalassaemia & Haemophilia Molecular Reference Laboratory)
Monash Health
Level 3 Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Road
Clayton 3168
9594 3398
Assay Frequency

2-3 months

Aldosterone/Renin Ratio (ARR)