Flavivirus Nucleic Acid Detection Multiplex (PCR)

Test Name
Flavivirus Nucleic Acid Detection Multiplex (PCR)
Test Code
Specimen Type

Blood (EDTA), Blood (whole), Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), Tissue, Urine

Minimum Volume 

Medical Staff:
This PCR will detect viruses in the family Flaviviridae including Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVE), Kunjin, Dengue types 1 to 4 , Japanese B encephalitis virus (JEV), West Nile virus (WNV), Zika virus and Yellow fever virus.

Result turn-around is approximately 7 days

Laboratory Staff:

If a specific Flavivirus is requested then request Flavivirus PCR and indicate the specific Flavivirus of interest. For example: Test Required: Flavivirus PCR (specific Flavivirus)

Sample to be forwarded to Molecular Microbiology Department for send away preparation

Molecular Microbiology
RCH - 9345 4673
Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 08:30 – 17:30 (excluding public holidays)

No afterhours service; if urgent testing is required, the requesting clinician is to contact on-call Clinical Microbiologist for advice via switchboard
Assay Performed
The Peter Doherty Institute 792 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne 3000
9342 9628
Assay Frequency
As requested