In this section
EDTA. Collect sample immediately before giving the next dose (trough level) Half-fill tube and gently mix. SEE COMMENTS BELOW for URGENT testing.
For URGENT FLECAINIDE TESTING, the requesting Doctor must:
Centrifuge and aliquot at least 0.5 mL plasma. Store plasma at -70°C. Sample must arrive at the testing laboratory by 6am on testing days
INPATIENT FLECAINIDE LEVELS MAY BE URGENT. The lab must contact the requesting doctor/ ward to ascertain if the frozen plasma must be sent to the external pathology provider immediately, or, if it is not urgent and can wait to be sent on the next normal working day (Mon- Fri, excluding public holidays) at 11.00hrs.
If dispatching out-of-hours, Specimen Reception staff to confirm with the testing laboratory that testing will proceed prior to dispatch.
Send to testing laboratory on dry ice. Do not pack dry ice in a sealed container. Use appropriate PPE.
Tuesday and Fridays