In this section
Fluoride Oxalate (for Glucose) AND Serum-Gel (for Insulin)
Specimen Collection: This is a fasting test: 1. Collect Fasting Glucose and Insulin sample
2. Give 75g glucose drink to be consumed within 5 mins
3. Patient must not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum during test duration.
4. Collect 1hr Glucose and Insulin sample. (60 mins post drink)
5. Collect 1hr Glucose and Insulin sample. (120 mins post drink)
6. Send insulin sample on ice pillow to the laboratory.
If patient vomits or is 15 mins late, the test is cancelled and no further blood samples are collected. The patient must re-book for another day.
LAB NOTES: Allocate the one laboratory number to all samples without obscuring the relative collection times. Label samples clearly with the relative collection times e.g. 0, 1hr, 2hr. Insulin sample: Centrifuge, separate and freeze immediately on receipt.
Insulin - Monday to Friday as requested; Glucose - as requested