HLA Tissue Typing (confirmatory)

Test Name
HLA Tissue Typing Class I (confirmatory) and/or
HLA Tissue Typing Class II (confirmatory)
Test Code
Specimen Type

Whole Blood - ACD (preferred)

Buccal swab if unable to collect 10mL Peripheral Blood

Minimum Volume
Paediatric: 6ml
Preferred Volume
Paediatric: 6ml
Adults: 2x 6mL

MEDICAL STAFF:              
For solid organ transplant patients and donors this must be booked with VTIS, ph 9694-0354.

VTIS request form no longer required to be filled out if requesting HLA Tissue Typing through EPIC.

Do not spin. Store specimen at room temperature

Mon-Thurs: Send to VTIS within 24 hrs of collection

Fri - Sun: Store specimen at room temperature and send to VTIS on Monday

Assay Performed
Australian Red Cross Blood Service Victoria
Victorian Transplantation and Immunogenetics Service (VTIS)
100-154 Batman Street
West Melbourne 3003
9694 0354
Assay Frequency

Mon - Fri

